
Hibridna animacija z naslovom Kompromis
ID Robek, Laura (Author), ID Kočevar, Tanja Nuša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Iskra, Andrej (Comentor)

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V diplomskem delu z naslovom Hibridna animacija z naslovom Kompromis smo določili namen izdelave hibridne animacije, ki zajema dvodimenzionalno (2D) in tridimenzionalno (3D) tehniko, ter jo na koncu analizirali in optimizirali. Diplomska naloga je sestavljena iz dveh osrednjih delov, in sicer iz teoretičnega in eksperimentalnega dela. V teoretičnem delu smo najprej predstavili hibridno animacijo, saj smo pri analizi trga ugotovili, da ni tako pogosta. Osredotočili smo se na računalniško animacijo in tako v nadaljevanju predstavili 2D in 3D postopek za izdelavo animacije in združevanje objektov in likov ter opisali, na kakšne težave lahko pri tem naletimo. V eksperimentalnem delu smo izdelavo animacije razdelili na tri dele, in sicer predprodukcijo, produkcijo in postprodukcijo. V predprodukciji smo načrtovali osnovno idejo, ki ji je sledil kratek sinopsis in snemalna knjiga. S programom Adobe Illustrator smo narisali 2D like v risanem slogu. Ker smo načrtovali animacijo, kjer bomo 2D like vstavili na 3D animirano ozadje, smo morali še dodatno narisati 2D like sličico za sličico, da smo lahko ustvarili animacijo. S pomočjo programske opreme Blender smo načrtovali in izdelali 3D objekte v realističnem slogu. Sledila je animacija 3D modeliranih objektov v programu Blender. Nato smo 2D sličice prenesli v 3D okolje in jih sestavili ter animirali po ključnih sličicah. Posnetke smo izvozili po kadrih in jih uvozili v program Adobe Premier Pro. V njem smo določili pravilen vrstni red posnetkov in izbrali glasbo, ki se najbolje prilega zgodbi animacije. Tako smo hibridno animacijo uspešno optimizirali in zaključili. Za rezultat smo dobili hibridno animacijo z 2D liki na 3D modeliranem ozadju. Poleg naslova animacije Kompromis smo želeli pokazati kompromis tudi med 2D in 3D tehnologijo ter med realnim ozadjem in risanima junakoma. To smo skozi celoten proces načrtovali in nadgrajevali, da smo za rezultat dobili hibridno animacijo z 2D liki na 3D modeliranem ozadju.

Keywords:hibridna animacija, 2D animacija, 2D liki, 3D animacija, 3D modeliranje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139900 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2022
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Title:Hybrid animation entitled Kompromis
In the diploma thesis entitled Hybrid animation entitled Kompromis, we determined the purpose of creating hybrid animation, which includes two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) techniques, and finally analyzed and optimized it. The thesis consists of two central parts, namely the theoretical part and the experimental part. In the theoretical part, we first presented the hybrid animation, as we found out during the market analysis that it is not that common. We focused on computer animation, and so in the following we presented the 2D and 3D process for creating animation and combining objects and characters, and described what problems we might encounter. In the experimental part, the production of the animation was divided into three parts, namely pre-production, production and post-production. In pre-production, we planned the basic idea, followed by a short synopsis and storyboard. We drew 2D characters in a cartoon style using Adobe Illustrator. Since we were planning an animation where we would insert 2D characters on a 3D animated background, we had to additionally draw the 2D characters frame by frame in order to create the animation. With the help of the Blender software, we planned and produced 3D objects in a realistic style. This was followed by the animation of 3D modeled objects in Blender. Then we transferred the 2D frames into a 3D environment and assembled them and animated them according to the key frames. We exported the recordings frame by frame and imported them into the Adobe Premier Pro program. In it, we determined the correct order of shots and chose the music that best fits the story of the animation. Thus, we have successfully optimized and completed the hybrid animation. The result was a hybrid animation with 2D characters on a 3D modeled background. In addition to the title of the animation Kompromis, we also wanted to show the compromise between 2D and 3D technology and between the real background and cartoon characters. We planned and upgraded this throughout the entire process to get a hybrid animation with 2D characters on a 3D modeled background.

Keywords:hybrid animation, 2D animation, 2D characters, 3D animation, 3D modeling

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