
Podaljšana mladost in izzivi, povezani z njo : diplomsko delo
ID Vidmar, Tjaša (Author), ID Poštrak, Milko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu sem se osredotočila na mlade v obdobju podaljšane mladosti in na vse izzive, s katerimi se v tem obdobju srečujejo. V zadnjih letih je največ sprememb doživela prav mladost. Razvidno je, da sodobne družbe potrebujejo vedno več časa za to, da usposobijo nove generacije za vključitev v družbo. Kažejo se vedno večje potrebe po izobraženi in kvalitetni delovni sili ter vedno zapletenejše naloge, ki jih morajo rešiti posamezniki, preden sploh lahko prevzamejo določene socialne vloge v družbi. Čeprav so prehodi iz mladosti v odraslost individualizirani, so še vedno odvisni od strukturne lokacije, kot je izobraževalni sistem v državi in trg delovne sile. Poudarek sem namenila predvsem izobraževanju, ki se danes močno podaljšuje čez dvajseta leta, vlogi družine v obdobju podaljšane mladosti in stanovanju, ki ga je danes zelo težko najti, saj je prisotna stanovanjska problematika, zaradi česar se posledično podaljšuje odvisnost od staršev. Zanimal me je tudi proces osamosvajanja, kdo mladostnike v tem procesu najbolj podpira in s kakšnimi ovirami se srečujejo. Na koncu pa sem prikazala tudi stiske in izzive, s katerimi se srečujejo na prehodu iz mladosti v odraslost in podporo ter pomoč v primeru stisk. Posebno poglavje sem namenila tudi mladostnikom, ki so že zaposleni, in tistim, ki so brezposelni, saj je tudi to danes kar velik izziv. Tako sem izvedela, kje trenutno so v procesu osamosvajanja. Raziskava, ki sem jo izvedla, je kvalitativna, eksplorativna oziroma poizvedovalna in empirična. Z raziskavo želim pokazati, kako se razmere za mlade odrasle danes zaostrujejo in posledično vplivajo na njihovo kasnejšo osamosvojitev. Pri tem se pojavljajo najrazličnejše stiske, ki jih je potrebno reševati. Merski instrument, s katerim sem pridobila podatke, so smernice za intervju, ki sem jih vnaprej pripravila glede na raziskovalna vprašanja, ki sem si jih postavila. Okvirna vprašanja so bila za vse intervjuvance enaka. Moj vzorec je neslučajnostni in priročen. Populacijo sestavljajo mladostniki oziroma mlade osebe od 19. do 30. leta starosti, ki se še vedno šolajo ali pa so že pridobile določeno izobrazbo in se še vedno niso zaposlile, zaradi česar so posledično še odvisne od svojih staršev ali pa so se že zaposlile in so finančno neodvisne od staršev. Skupno sem izvedla deset intervjujev z mladostniki, ki se med seboj razlikujejo glede na trenutni status, bivališče, študij in starost. Pridobljene podatke sem obdelala s kvalitativno metodo, kjer sem uporabila odprto in osno kodiranje. Rezultati raziskave kažejo, da se je mladost danes močno podaljšala, saj mlade osebe osamosvajanje prelagajo v poznejša leta. Nekaterim se je podaljšalo izobraževanje, drugi pa po pridobljeni izobrazbi še vedno niso našli zaposlitve. Posledično so ostali dlje odvisni od svojih staršev. Prikrajšani so tudi za oblikovanje lastne družine. Razmere na trgu dela so se močno spremenile in mladi potrebujejo kar nekaj časa, da sploh najdejo prvo zaposlitev. Zaposlitve največkrat iščejo s pomočjo spleta, kjer oglašujejo prosta delovna mesta. Močno je prisotna tudi stanovanjska problematika, saj se je cena stanovanj na trgu močno povišala, mladi pa si bivališča zaradi nestabilnega finančnega stanja ne morejo privoščiti. Zato iščejo možnost ureditve stanovanj kar doma, saj jim je to finančno bolj dosegljivo. Tisti sogovorniki, ki živijo doma, so izpostavili, da imajo namen privarčevati čim več denarja, ki ga bodo vložili v urejanje bivališča. Mladi danes v obdobju mladosti doživljajo številne stiske in izzive predvsem zaradi osamosvajanja in pritiskov družbe. Pri tem se le redko obrnejo na kakšne institucije po strokovno pomoč. Njihova informiranost o strokovni pomoči je nizka, saj se o tem malo govori. Najbolj podporne osebe v življenju mladostnikov so starši in njihovi partnerji. Sogovorniki v moji raziskavi še posebej poudarjajo velik pomen podpore staršev v procesu osamosvajanja. Kar bi mladi potrebovali v obdobju podaljšane mladosti, je več podpore, kar se tiče osamosvajanja. Drugačna stanovanjska politika bi jim lahko omogočila dosegljive cene stanovanj in posledično bi se več mladih prej osamosvojilo. Tudi na področju financ bi jim lahko bil dodeljen poseben dohodek, ki bi jim pomagal na njihovi poti do osamosvojitve. Na področju zaposlitve pa bi jim morali omogočiti več delovnih mest, da bi se lahko po pridobljeni izobrazbi takoj zaposlili in postali aktivni na trgu dela. Predlagala bi večje sodelovanje med različnimi generacijami in pomoč starejše generacije mladim na poti do samostojnega življenja.

Keywords:mladi, stanovanje, družina, brezposelnost, osamosvajanje, stiske, podpora
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Vidmar]
Number of pages:255 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139897 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:144956675 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Prolonged youth and distress
In this diploma thesis I focused on the young in their prolonged period of youth, and all the challenges they face. In the past years, youth has gone through the most changes. It's evident that modern societys need more time to incooporate new generations into them. The demands for educated and quality workforce are eversoo higher that requrie individuals to perform more complex tasks before they take on roles in society. Altough the transition from youth to adulthood is individualized, they are still depanded on the structure of the soroundings like educational system and the need for a workforce in the country. I put emphasis mainly on education, which takes a fair period over their twentys, family and housing which is hard to get because of residential issues thus the reliability on parents grows higher. I was intrigued by the process of independence, who supports them the most and what obstacles they face. For last i covered their hardship and challenges they face on the transition to adulthood and what support they have when in need. I devoted a special section to the young who are already employed and those who are not which presents an issue. In such a way i found out where in process they are. The research is qualitative, inquiritive and empirical. With it i want to present how the conditions for the young aggravate and consequently affect on their independence. To inquire the data, i came up with an interview based on the research questions i put to myself. The questions were equal for all interviewees. My pattern is non-random and practical. The populase consist of young adults from the ages of 19 and 30 years old who are still educating or have some degree of education and aren't yet employed, thus are consequently dependant on their parents or they are employed and are financilly independent. I interviewed a total of 10 people, who vary based on their status, study, residence and age. I processed the gathered information using qualitative method where i used open and axis koding. The results show that youth has prolonged into higher years, because young adults postpone their own independence. To some, their education was delayed and some didnt get employment after finnishing their studies. The conditions on a market for an employment have changed and adolescence need quite some time to even get their first job. They mostly look on the internet for available jobs. There is also a heavy presence of residence issue where the market for apartments keeps getting more expensive and the young can't afford them because of their irregular income. To resolve this problem, many try to make their residence at home. Those interlocutors who live at their parents pointed out that they are trying to save as much money as they can so they can invest it into building their residence. The young face many hardships and challenges, mostly because of becoming independant and the pressure of the society. Only few turn to professional institutes for help for they aren't informed well enough. The most supportive to the young are their parents and their partners. What the adolescent need even more in their process of independence is more support. A different housing policy could make more affordable prices to speed up the process and equaly in the financial area, that they would get a specific income that would help them on the way. As for the employment, society should allow more jobs for them to choose on after they finnish their studies for a quicker contribution to labor market. I suggest more cooporation between different generations and for older generations to help the young on their path to independent living.

Keywords:young, apartment, family, unemployment, independence, hardsip, support

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