
Težave študentov in študentk iz bivših jugoslovanskih držav na Univerzi v Ljubljani : diplomsko delo
ID Kutlača, Jelena (Author), ID Bijelonić, Sonja (Author), ID Dragoš, Srečo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V najinem diplomskem delu sva hoteli izpostaviti težave, s katerimi se srečujejo tuji študenti, ki prihajajo iz držav nekdanje Jugoslavije na študij na Univerzo v Ljubljani. Te težave so v zvezi s procesom pridobivanja dovoljenja za bivanje, želeli sva bolje razumeti, kako je potekal proces dokazovanja obstoja zadostnih sredstev skozi študijsko leto 2021/2022, ali so bile kakšne druge težave pri pridobivanju dovoljenja, zanimalo naju je naju, če obstaja povezava med mesečnim dohodkom študentov in študentk in potrebe po dokazovanja 5000 € na računu, kot enega od načinov dokazovanja zadostnih sredstev. Zanimalo naju je, kako so ugotovili ta znesek ali kako načrtujejo dokazovanje tega zneska, nekatere izmed ugotovitev pa se dotaknejo razlogom prihajanja študentov in študentk v Slovenijo, koliko dolgo že živijo v Sloveniji pa tudi kje živijo. Smajila (2021) piše, da po novem morajo študenti in študentke namreč vnaprej izkazati dovolj sredstev za čas študija, kar pomeni, da morajo imeti za enoletno bivanje na računu približno pet tisoč evrov. Tuji študenti iz Srbije, Bosne in Makedonije, ki že dlje časa študirajo v Sloveniji, opozarjajo, da jih z zakonom stiskajo v kot: če si ne bodo mogli privoščiti nadaljevanja študija, bodo leta njihovega izobraževanja propadla. Najina raziskava je empirična, kvalitativna in kvantitativna, merski instrumenti oziroma vir empiričnih podatkov sta delno standardiziran intervju in spletni anketni vprašalnik. Dve metodi zbiranja podatkov sva oblikovali na podlagi literature, ki sva jo prebrali. Anketni vprašalnik je bil zagotovljen v dveh jezikih, srbskem in slovenskem. Pri intervjujih so bili intervjuvanci najprej vprašani, v katerem jeziku se počutijo najbolj sproščeno in v katerem jeziku jim je lažje govoriti. Populacija so tuji študenti, ki prihajajo iz bivših jugoslovanskih republik in ki imajo v študijskem letu 2021/2022 status študenta na UL, vzorec pa je neslučajnostni in priročen. V raziskavi je sodeloval 131 oseb, oziroma 125 oseb je sodelovalo v anketah in 6 oseb pri intervjujih. Prišli sva do ugotovitev, da sta mesečni dohodek in potreba dokazovanja 5000 € na računu študenta oziroma študentke močno povezana, da so študenti in študentke imeli precej negativne izkušnje pri pridobitvi dovoljenja za bivanje, da je večina oziroma 43,69 % študentov in študentk prišlo na visokošolsko izobraževanje v Slovenijo, ker je brezplačno in da je več kot polovica (53 %) študentov in študentk moralo prikazati obstoj 5000 € na računu kot način dokazovanja zadostnih sredstev. Priporočila za nadaljnje raziskovanje so, da se je potrebno osredotočiti na različnost problemov tujih študentov in študentk in ne le na omejitve, ki sva jih zastavili, in razširiti populacijo na študente in študentke, ki študirajo na drugih univerzah v Sloveniji.

Keywords:študenti in študentke, ki prihajajo iz držav bivše Jugoslavije, tuji študenti, 5000 €, proces pridobitve dovoljenja za bivanje, Upravna enota Ljubljana – oddelek za tujce
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Kutlača in Sonja Bijelonić]
Number of pages:[175 str.]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139892 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:142736131 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Problems of students from former Yugoslav countries at University of Ljubljana
In our graduation thesis, we wanted to highlight the problems encountered by foreign students who come from the countries of the former Yugoslavia to study at the University of Ljubljana. These problems were related to the process of obtaining a residence permit, and we wanted to better understand how the process of proving sufficient funds took place during the academic year 2021/2022 if there were other problems with obtaining the permit. We were interested in whether there is a connection between the monthly income of students and the need to prove €5,000 in their account, and how they proved this amount or how they plan to prove it. Some of the findings will touch on the reasons of students coming to Slovenia, how long they have been living in Slovenia and where they live. Smajila (2021) writes that, according to the new rules, students must show sufficient the funds in advance for the duration of their studies, which means that they must have approximately €5,000 in their account for a one-year stay. Foreign students from Serbia, Bosnia, and Macedonia, who have been studying in Slovenia for a long time, warn that the law is forcing them into a corner: if they cannot afford to continue their studies, their years of education will be wasted. Our research is empirical, qualitative and quantitative, the measuring instruments of empirical data are a partially standardized interview and an online survey questionnaire. The survey questionnaire was provided in two languages, Serbian and Slovenian and during the interviews, the interviewees are first asked in which language they feel most relaxed and in which language they find it easier to speak. The population is that of foreign students who come from the former Yugoslav republics and who, in the academic year 2021/2022, have a student status at UL, the sample is non-random and convenient, 131 people participated in the research, 125 people participated in surveys and 6 people in interviews. We came to the results that the monthly income and the need to prove €5,000 in the student's account are strongly related, that students had a quite negative experience when obtaining a residence permit, that the majority, or rather 43.69% of students, came to obtain higher education in Slovenia because it is free, but more than half (53%) of male and female students had to show the existence of €5,000 in their account as a way of proving sufficient funds. Recommendations for further research are to focus on the variety of problems faced by foreign students and not just on the limitations that we have set, and to expand the population to students studying at other universities in Slovenia.

Keywords:students from countries of the former Yugoslavia, foreign students, €5, 000, the process of obtaining a residence permit, Administrative Unit Ljubljana - department for foreigners

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