
Aktivistični plakat in analiza LGBTQ+ aktivističnih plakatov ter priprava serije plakatov
ID Koder, Maja (Author), ID Pušnik, Nace (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Namen diplomskega dela je bil obravnavati aktivistični plakat skozi zgodovino in njegovo vlogo v protestih in aktivizmu. Posebej se je osredotočalo na plakat v aktivizmu lezbijk, gejev, transspolnih oseb in oseb, ki se opredeljujejo kot kvir (LGBTQ+). Skozi zgodovino so umetniki in aktivisti za izražanje družbenega in političnega nezadovoljstva uporabljali plakat. S pomočjo te umetniške oblike so aktivisti opolnomočili posameznike in skupnosti. Tvorile so se prepoznavne podobe, simboli in slogani, ki so bili ključni del družbenih gibanj in njihovih uspehov. Kljub spletu in družbenim medijem plakat v 21. stoletju še vedno ostaja priljubljena oblika javnega govora, preko katerega se obravnava širok spekter vprašanj, kot so globalno segrevanje, pravice žensk, zaščita divjih živali itd. V teoretičnem delu diplomskega dela je bil najprej raziskan razvoj aktivističnega plakata skozi zgodovino in opisane so bile družbenopolitične razmere v zgodovini, zaradi katerih so nastali določeni aktivistični plakati. V nadaljevanju so bili podrobneje predstavljeni plakati, ki so nastali zaradi potreb aktivizma LGBTQ+. Sledilo je nekaj primerov teh plakatov, ki sta jim dodani razlaga in likovna analiza; opisan je bil tudi stil aktivističnega plakata. Na osnovi smernic, ki so bile podane v teoretičnem delu, se je izdelalo tri plakate na temo aktivizma LGBTQ+, katerih cilj je bil ozaveščati o tematikah, kot so biseksualnost, spolne norme in vidnost LGBTQ+. Za oblikovanje plakatov se je uporabljalo programsko opremo Adobe (Illustrator, InDesign). Izdelani plakati so bili analizirani s podatki, pridobljenimi s spletno anketo, nato pa je bila opravljena tudi vsebinska in likovna analiza teh plakatov.

Keywords:aktivizem, LGBTQ+, oblikovanje, plakat, zgodovina
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139891 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:08.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Activist poster and an analysis of LGBTQ+ activist posters and a preparation of a series of posters
The purpose of the thesis was to present the activist poster and its role in protests and activism through history. It was mainly focused on the posters in LGBTQ+ activism. Throughout history, both artists and citizens have used posters to express social and political discontent. Through this art form activists empowered individuals and communities. Through posters they produced recognizable images, symbols in slogans that were a key part of social movements and their success. Despite the development of internet and social media in 21st century the poster still remains a popular form of public speech and is used to address a wide range of issues such as global warming, women’s rights, wildlife protection, etc. In the theoretical part of the thesis the development of the activist poster throughout history was researched and the socio-political situations that were the reason for creation of activist posters, were described. Furthermore the posters, created for the needs of LGBTQ+ activism, were described in more detail. What followed were some examples of these posters, their interpretation and art analysis. The style of the activist poster was also described. With the guidelines obtained in the theoretical part, three posters on the topic of LGBTQ+ activism were made. Their purpose was to raise awareness of topics such as bisexuality, gender norms and LGBTQ+ visibility. The practical part was carried out using Adobe software (Illustrator, InDesign). Created posters were analyzed with data obtained through an online survey. What followed was their content and art analysis.

Keywords:activism, design, history, LGBTQ+, poster

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