
Vpliv plazemske obdelave površine elektronskega vezja na izboljšanje oprijemljivosti konformnih premazov
ID Vončina, Tim (Author), ID Lukšič, Miha (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Elektronska oziroma opremljena tiskana vezja so v avtomobilskih aplikacijah, tekom delovanja izpostavljena številnim agresivnim okolijskim dejavnikom, kot so vlaga, visoka in nizka temperatura, mehanska obraba ipd., zaradi katerih je vezje še tako bolj občutljivo za korozijo vezanih komponent. V ta namen je na površino elektronskega vezja nanešen konformni premaz, ki služi kot primaren sloj zaščite pred omenjenimi dejavniki. Pred nanosom konformnega premaza je treba površino očistiti in aktivirati ter s tem zagotoviti optimalno omočljivost in adhezijo. Poznamo več postopkov predobdelave površin, med katere spada tudi uporaba odprto-zračnega plazemskega procesa čiščenja in aktivacije. Cilj diplomskega dela je bil pregledati literaturo uporabe plazme ter na podlagi eksperimentov optimizirati proces čiščenja in aktivacije površine elektronskega vezja z odprto-zračno plazemsko tehnologijo. Raziskave so vključevale še kvantitativne meritve čistosti in omočljivosti površine ter meritve adhezije konformnega premaza na plazemsko obdelani in neobdelani površini s »cross-cut« testom. Rezultati so pokazali, da je površina elektronskega vezja po obdelavi s plazmo znatno bolj omočljiva, adhezija nanešenega premaza pa tudi precej boljša.

Keywords:Elektronsko vezje, adhezija, konformni premaz, korozija.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139824 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:123321091 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2022
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Title:The Effects of Plasma Treatment of Printed Circuit Boards on Improving Adhesion of Conformal Coatings
In automotive applications, printed circuit board assemblies are exposed to many aggressive environmental factors, such as moisture, high and low temperatures, mechanical stress, etc., which make the circuit even more sensitive to corrosion of electronic components. For this purpose, a conformal coating is applied to the surface of the printed circuit board assembly, which serves as a primary layer of protection against the aforementioned factors. Before applying the conformal coating, the surface must be cleaned and activated, thereby ensuring optimal wettability and adhesion. There are several surface pre-treatment processes, including the use of open-air plasma. The aim of this diploma thesis was to review the literature on the use of plasma and based on experiments, optimize the process of surface cleaning and activation with open-air plasma technology. The research also included quantitative measurements of the cleanliness and wettability of the surface, as well as measurements of the adhesion of the conformal coating on the plasma-treated and untreated surface with a "cross-cut" test. The results indicated that the plasma treated surface is significantly more wettable and the adhesion of the applied coating is superior.

Keywords:Printed circuit board assembly, adhesion, conformal coating, corrosion.

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