
Ekološko oblikovanje in izdelava embalaže za dišečo svečo
ID Štemberger, Sara (Author), ID Gregor Svetec, Diana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Glavna naloga diplomskega dela je bilo ekološko oblikovati embalažo in etiketo za dišečo svečo. Za pomoč pri oblikovanju omenjene naloge smo naredili analizo embalaže treh že obstoječih podjetij dišečih sveč na trgu. Med temi najdemo tako ekološke kot tudi manj ekološke rešitve. Vsebino diplomskega dela sestavljata dva poglavitna segmenta, ki se delita na teoretični in eksperimentalni del. V teoretičnem delu smo predstavili splošno uporabo embalaže in njene funkcije, kot tudi vrste embalaž, ki so primerne za sveče. Na kratko smo predstavili tipe etiket in zahteve, ki jih morajo izpolnjevati pri svečah z dodanimi dišavami. Opredelili smo tudi ekološko oblikovanje in načela, po katerih se lahko ravnamo za dosego čim bolj ekološke embalaže. V eksperimentalnem delu smo opisali metode preiskav embalažnih materialov. Te so meritve osnovnih, strukturnih, mehanskih in površinskih lastnosti kartona. Izbirali smo med valovitim in trdnim kartonom ter na podlagi meritev izbrali primernejšega za embalažo. Predstavili smo idejno zasnovo embalaže in etikete ter metode dela, po katerih smo se lotili načrtovanja in oblikovanja. V zadnjem poglavju eksperimentalnega dela smo s preglednicami predstavili ugotovitve iz meritev lastnosti obeh kartonov. Prav tako smo natančneje opisali celoten postopek oblikovanja embalaže in etikete. Pri tem smo opredelili še uporabljeno tipografijo in barvno lestvico, ki osnujeta grafično podobo izdelkov. Opisali smo postopek tiska in razreza embalaže ter vse skupaj opremili s slikovnim gradivom. Embalažo smo oblikovali tako, da je funkcionalna in da jo je mogoče ponovno uporabiti, preden se odvrže v reciklažo. Grafično podobo embalaže in etikete smo dodelali tako, da je estetsko privlačna, čeprav je preprosta, z malo potiskane površine.

Keywords:embalaža, etiketa, ekološko oblikovanje, ekološka embalaža sveče, preizkušanje materialov
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139783 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Eco-design and manufacture of packaging for a scented candle
The main task of this thesis was an ecological design of the packaging and label for a scented candle. To help with making of this task we did seven analysis of existing scented candle companies on the market. Among these we can find ecological as well as less ecological solutions. The content of the diploma thesis consists of two essential segments, which are divided into theoretical and experimental part. In the theoretical part we presented the general use of packaging and it's functions, as well as the types of packaging that are suitable for candles. We presented types of labels and requirements that must be met for candles with added fragrances. We have also defined ecological design and principles that can be followed to achieve the most ecological packaging possible. In the experimental part we described methods of investigation of packaging materials. These are measurements of the basic, structural, mechanical and surface propreties of cardboard. We were choosing between corrugated and non-corrugated cardboard and based on the measurements we chose the most suitable one for packaging. After that we presented the conceptual design of packaging and labels as well as the methods of work according to which we started planning and design process. In the last chapter of experimental part we presented all the findings of the performed measurements of the both cartons with tables. We also described, in more detail, the entire process of packaging and label design. We also defined the typography and colour scale used, which establish the grapgic image of the product. Finally, we described the process of printing and cutting of the packaging and equipped everything with pictorial material. We designes the packaging in such a way that it is functional and represents the possibility of reuse before it is discarded. We have finished the graphic design of the packaging and label in a way that is aesthetically attractive, despite the fact that it is simple with a small printed surface and a small color palette.

Keywords:packaging, label, ecological design, ecological candle packaging, material testing

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