
Analiza razvoja in izdelava filmskih plakatov
ID Mrhar, Lara (Author), ID Ahtik, Jure (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tako film kot tudi grafično oblikovanje smatramo za sodoben pristop k umetnosti. Razvoj panog, ki se začne z napredkom na tehnološkem področju, se odvija simultano, nanj pa ne vpliva zgolj tehnologija, ampak tudi umetniška ter družbena gibanja, teorije oblikovanja, vojne in različne ideologije. Plakat je potiskan list papirja, oblikovan z namenom oglaševanja raznih dogodkov, koncertov, gledaliških predstav, produktov, pa tudi filmov. Danes filmske plakate srečujemo na vsakem koraku, njihova glavna naloga pa je pritegniti pozornost, vzpostaviti komunikacijo z občinstvom, jih informirati in predvsem prepričati v ogled filma. Vendar pa imajo filmski plakati še drugo nalogo – povezovanje s sliko na filmskem platnu, saj le-ta nosi bistvo filma. Dober filmski plakat torej združuje obe nalogi in se poveže ne le z mimoidočimi na ulici, ampak tudi s filmom. Namen diplomskega dela je preučiti osnove likovnega izražanja in razvoj filmskega plakata skozi desetletja od njegovega prvega pojava do danes, s tem pa pridobiti dovolj znanja za izdelavo serije filmskih plakatov in jih na ta način postaviti v sodobno okolje.

Keywords:barva, film, grafično oblikovanje, kompozicija, plakat, tipografija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139778 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of evolution and design of film posters
We consider both film and graphic design a modern aproach to art. Their evolutions begin with technological advances and are therefore taking place simultaneously, influenced not only by technology, but also by the artistic and social movements, design theories, war, and various ideologies. A poster is a printed sheet of paper designed to advertise various events, concerts, theatre performances, products, as well as films. Today, we encounter film posters at every turn, and their main task is to attract attention, establish communication with the audience, inform them and, above all, convince them to watch the film. However, film posters have another task – to connect with the image on the screen, as it carries the essence of the film. A good movie poster therefore combines both tasks and connects not only with the observer, but also with the film itself. The main purpose of this diploma thesis is to study the basics of artistic expression and to analyse the evolution of film poster design from its first appearance until present time, thus gaining enough knowledge to make a series of film posters and placing them in a modern environment.

Keywords:colour, film, graphic design, composition, poster, typography

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