
Sinteza alosteričnih zaviralcev proteina Hsp90 s triazolnim osnovnim skeletom
ID Smrečnik, Monika (Author), ID Zidar, Nace (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Dernovšek, Jaka (Comentor)

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Protein toplotnega šoka 90 (Hsp90) je pomemben molekularni šaperon, ki sodeluje pri zvijanju in stabilizaciji več kot 400 različnih proteinov klientov in zavira agregacijo proteinov zaradi vpliva toplote. Njegova koncentracija je povišana pri številnih vrstah raka, kar rakavim celicam pomaga pri preživetju. Zaviranje Hsp90 se je izkazalo kot obetavna možnost zdravljenja raka, saj lahko na ta način povzročimo razgradnjo proteinov klientov, ki jih rakava celica potrebuje za preživetje. Znanstveniki so odkrili različne naravne in sintezne zaviralce, med katerimi so najprej odkrili zaviralce N-končne domene Hsp90. Kljub močnim protitumorskim učinkom pa zaradi indukcije odziva toplotnega šoka in z njim povezane neučinkovitosti, toksičnosti ter sočasne slabe topnosti, tovrstni zaviralci niso prešli v klinično rabo. Raziskave so se zato razširile na zaviralce C-končne domene Hsp90, pri katerih do indukcije odziva toplotnega šoka ne pride, boljša pa sta tudi topnost in njihov toksikološki profil. V sklopu diplomske naloge smo sintetizirali štiri potencialne zaviralce C-končne domene Hsp90, ki v svojih strukturah vsebujejo triazolni osnovni skelet. Njihova sinteza je vsebovala štiri korake, kjer smo najprej pripravili azid in alkin, ju združili s klik-reakcijo, na koncu pa odstranili zaščitno skupino Boc in dobili produkt v obliki soli. Pri tem smo uporabili različne sintezne postopke, kot so tvorba amidne vezi s pomočjo sklopitvenih reagentov ali s predhodno aktivacijo karboksilne kisline do kislinskega klorida, Williamsonova sinteza etra, klik-reakcija in odščita zaščitne skupine Boc. Vmesne in končne produkte smo očistili in analizirali s kromatografskimi in sprektroskopskimi metodami. Končnim produktom smo določili vpliv na proliferacijo celične linije raka dojke MCF-7 s celičnim testom MTS, ki temelji na redukciji MTS v vodotopni derivat formazana. Rezultati so pokazali, da sta imeli dve izmed pripravljenih spojin, 7 in 10, močnejše delovanje od referenčne spojine TJD-52, medtem ko sta preostali spojini izkazovali slabšo zaviralno aktivnost. Najboljše delovanje je imela spojina 10, ki ima 3,4-diklorofenilni obroč na osrednji triazolni del molekule vezan z etrsko vezjo. V prihodnosti bi bilo zato smiselno za nadaljnje modifikacije izhajati iz spojine 10, s čimer bi lahko dosegli še močnejše protirakavo delovanje.

Keywords:protein toplotnega šoka 90, Hsp90, rak, zaviralec, C-končna domena Hsp90
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FFA - Faculty of Pharmacy
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139770 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The synthesis of allosteric Hsp90 inhibitors with the triazole core structure
Heat shock protein 90 (Hsp90) is an important molecular chaperone involved in the folding and stabilization of more than 400 different client proteins and inhibits heat-induced protein aggregation. It is found in high levels in many types of cancer, where it contributes to cancer cell survival. Its inhibition has proven to be a promising strategy for fighting cancer, as it can cause the degradation of client proteins that cancer needs to survive. To date, scientists have discovered several natural and synthetic inhibitors, the first of which inhibited the N-terminal domain of Hsp90. Despite their potent antitumor effects, they could not be developed into effective drugs due to the induction of heat shock response and associated inefficiency, toxicity and poor solubility. Research has therefore expanded to C-terminal domain inhibitors that do not induce heat shock response, resulting in improved solubility and minimal expression of toxicity. As part of the thesis, we synthesized four potential inhibitors of the C-terminal domain of Hsp90, which contain a triazole backbone in their structure. The synthesis consisted of four steps, where we first prepared an azide and an alkyne, joined them by a click reaction, and finally removed the Boc protecting group to obtain the product in the form of a salt. Various synthesis procedures were used, such as the formation of an amide bond with the help of coupling reagents or with the prior activation of a carboxylic acid to form an acid chloride, Williamson ether synthesis, click reaction, and deprotection of the Boc protecting group. The intermediates and final products were purified and analysed by chromatographic and spectroscopic methods. We determined the effect of the final products on the proliferation of the MCF-7 breast cancer cell line using the MTS cell assay, which is based on the reduction of MTS to a water-soluble formazan derivative. The results showed that two of the prepared compounds, 7 and 10, had stronger activity than the reference compound TJD-52, while the remaining compounds showed weaker inhibitory activity. Compound 10, which has a 3,4-dichlorophenyl ring attached to the central triazole part of the molecule with an ether bond, was the most potent compound in the series. For further optimisation, it would therefore make sense to take compound 10 as the starting compound, which could lead to an even stronger anticancer effect.

Keywords:heat shock protein 90, Hsp90, cancer, inhibitor, Hsp90 C-terminal domain

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