
Ultra visokotlačna ionsko izmenjevalna kromatografija proteinov
ID Caf, Maja (Author), ID Podgornik, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ultra visokotlačna kromatografija zagotavlja hitrejše ločevanje in manjšo porabo topil v primerjavi z običajnimi HPLC sistemi in hkrati izboljša učinkovitost kolone. To je mogoče doseči z zmanjšanjem velikosti delcev stacionarne faze in povečanjem linearne hitrosti mobilne faze [1]. Delovanje UHPLC pri zelo visokih tlakih lahko povzroči številne nove težave, ki so bile za sisteme HPLC razmeroma nepomembne.[2] Te so segrevanje kolone s trenjem in nastanek temperaturnih gradientov, vplivi na mobilno in stacionarno fazo ter na zamik termodinamskega ravnotežja adsorpcije in desorpcije. Med različnimi tehnikami kromatografije je ionsko izmenjevalna ena najbolj uporabljenih oblik kolonske kromatografije. Uporablja se pri različnih raziskavah, analizah in pri čiščenju proteinov. Temelji na interakciji nabitih molekul v mobilni fazi z nasprotno nabitimi skupinami, povezanimi s stacionarno fazo. Nabite funkcionalne skupine zagotavljajo različne aminokisline v proteinu.[3] Znano je, da je za vezavo proteinov v koloni odgovorna porazdelitev površinskega naboja in ne celoten neto naboj.[4] V tem delu smo preučevali vpliv tlaka na protein beta-laktoglobulin s pomočjo ultra-visokotlačne ionsko izmenjevalne kromatografije. Zaradi svojega velikega dipolnega momenta in široke izoelektrične točke, smo lahko opazovali proces adsorpcije na kationski in anionski koloni pod enakimi pogoji. Pri pH-ju izoelektrične točke proteina okoli 5,2 smo opazili negativni trend zadrževanja s povečanjem tlaka na anionski koloni, medtem ko je bil na kationsko izmenjevalni koloni ta trend pozitiven. Pri znižanju pH vrednosti pod izoelektrično točko se je enak negativen trend pojavil tudi na kationski koloni, ki je z večanjem naboja proteina postajal izrazitejši. Enake rezultate smo dobili tudi na anionski koloni, kjer je z večanjem naboja postala razlika v zadrževalnem času vedno večja. Lahko bi rekli, da višji naboj na proteinu poveča odboj med adsorbiranimi proteinskimi molekulami, kar vodi do manj gostega pakiranja na površini kolone in posledično večjega standardnega parcialnega molskega volumna. Predstavljeni rezultati kažejo na kompleksnost interakcij ionske izmenjave in prehoda iz navadnih HPLC sistemov na UHPLC sisteme, ki imajo zelo velik vpliv na ločevanje, zato je potrebno predstavljen mehanizem še bolj podrobno preučiti.

Keywords:Ultra visokotlačna kromatografija, beta-laktoglobulin, zamik termodinamskega ravnotežja
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139672 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:127151107 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2022
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Title:Ultra-high-performance ion exchange liquid chromatography of proteins
Ultra-high pressure chromatography provides faster separation and lower solvent consumption compared to conventional HPLC systems while improving column efficiency. This can be achieved by reducing the particle size of the column packing and by increasing the linear velocity of the mobile phase. [1] The operation of UHPLC at very high pressures can cause several new difficulties that were relatively insignificant for HPLC systems.[2] These are friction heating of the column and the formation of temperature gradients, the effects on the mobile and stationary phases and the shift of the thermodynamic equilibrium of adsorption and desorption. Among the different chromatographic techniques, ion exchange is one of the most widely used forms of column chromatography. It is used in various research, analyzes and in protein purification. It is based on the interaction of charged molecules in the mobile phase with oppositely charged groups on the stationary phase. Charged functional groups are provided by a variety of amino acids in proteins. [3] It is known that the distribution of surface charge is responsible for the binding of proteins in the column and not the total net charge. In this study, we investigated the effect of pressure on the protein beta-lactoglobulin using ultrahigh pressure ion exchange chromatography. Due to its large dipole moment at wide isoelectric point, we were able to observe the adsorption process on the cation and anion exchange column under the same conditions. A negative retention trend was observed with increasing pressure on the anion exchange column at pH of isoelectric point of protein (5,2), while on the cation this trend was positive. When the pH value dropped below the isoelectric point, the same negative trend also appeared on the cation exchange column, which became more pronounced with increasing protein charge. The same results were obtained on the anion exchange column, where the difference in retention time became larger with increasing charge. We could assume that a higher charge of the protein increases the repulsion between the adsorbed protein molecules, leading to less dense packing on the surface of the column and consequently a higher standard partial molar volume. The presented results indicate the complexity of the interaction of ion exchange and the transition from conventional HPLC systems to the UHPLC system, which have a very large impact on the separation, so the presented mechanism should be studied in more detail.

Keywords:Ultra-high pressure chromatography, beta-lactoglobulin, shift of the thermodynamic equilibrium.

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