
Oblikovanje pisave z ukrivljenimi ascendri in descendri
ID Debevec, Jernej (Author), ID Pušnik, Nace (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu je prikazan potek izdelave pisave z ukrivljenimi ascendri in descendri in testiranje njene čitljivosti ter primerljivosti z ostalimi pisavami. Na podlagi raziskave je bila narejena analiza, na podlagi te pa sklep o primernosti pisave za prikazovalne namene oziroma sklep ali tako oblikovani podaljški navzgor in navzdol vplivajo na čitljivost. V teoretičnem delu je bil raziskan razvoj in delitev linearnih pisav, narejen je bil pregled tipografskih značilnosti znakov in oblikovne delitve črk, raziskano pa je bilo tudi področje testiranja čitljivosti pisav, ki se nanaša na pretekle raziskave. Poudarek je bil predvsem na zaznavanju posameznih znakov oz. črk in pisav. Na podlagi teoretičnega dela so bile v eksperimentalnem delu oblikovane: navadna, krepka in ekstra krepka različica pisave z naborom različnih ligatur in različic črk ter z naborom znakov za štiri različne jezike. V nadaljevanju je bila preverjena tudi čitljivost oblikovane pisave, ta pa je bila primerjana s pisavo s serifi in brez njih. Eksperiment je bil zasnovan na podlagi več spremenljivk, ki bi lahko vplivale na rezultate. Izveden je bil s pomočjo naprave Tobii Eyetracker, ki je sledila očesnim premikom testirancev. Tako izveden eksperiment je dal objektivne in točne rezultate. Na koncu je bila narejena analiza podatkov, ki so bili izmerjeni in nato primerjani s podatki z upoštevanjem meritev naprave Tobii Eyetracker in brez njih. S pomočjo te analize so bile podane ugotovitve o čitljivosti izdelane pisave.

Keywords:ascender, čitljivost, descender, grafično oblikovanje, prikazovalna pisava in tipografija.
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139669 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Designing Typeface With Curved Ascenders And Descenders
In the diploma thesis, the process of designing the display typeface with curved ascenders and descenders, the testing of it's legibility and it's comparison with other typefaces are shown. Based on this research, both analysis and conclusion have been made on the adequacy of this typeface being used for display purposes and if curved ascenders and descenders affect it's legibility. In the theoretical part evolution and classification of linear typefaces have been researched, with examination of different glyph characteristics and classification of letters made. Moreover, the field of the typeface's legibility, focused on the perception of particular typeface letters has been researched. Based on the theoretical part, the typeface was designed in the experimental part. Regular, bold and extra bold fonts have been made with collection of different ligatures and also versions of the letters with glyphs for four different languages. The experiment was carried out with different variables, which have affected final results. Tobii Eyetracker was used to track our participants' eye movements, consequently providing a more objective and precise execution of the experiment. Finally, an analysis was made on data that has been measured and gathered, with and without the consideration of Tobii Eyetracker measurements. Taking into account the analysis, final findings were introduced.

Keywords:ascender, descender, display typeface, grafic design, legibility and typography.

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