
ID Lazar, Hana (Author), ID Mali, Jana (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Smrt je najbolj gotovo dejstvo našega življenja, ki se bo zagotovo zgodilo prav vsakemu posamezniku. Večina se nas z izkušnjo umiranja in smrti sreča v zasebnem življenju, nekateri ljudje pa se z omenjenima tematikama srečujejo na svojem poklicnem področju. Eden izmed takšnih poklicev je tudi socialno delo, zato je odnos socialnih delavk zelo pomemben, da se znajo približati umirajočemu in mu omogočiti kar se da kakovostno umiranje ter pomagati žalujočim sorodnikom in jih podkrepiti z vsemi potrebnimi informacijami. Žal je tema smrti v današnjem času še vedno tabu, ki se je ljudje radi izogibajo in odrivajo iz življenja. Poleg tega, da je znanje s področja smrti in odnos do le te zelo pomemben, da se lahko približamo umirajočemu človeku, je od tega odvisna tudi kakovost našega življenja. Ko se bomo namreč zavedali minljivosti, bomo s časom ravnali bolj varčno in se v življenju posvetili stvarem, ki nas osrečujejo. Odločila sem se izvesti raziskavo, s pomočjo katere bi ugotovila, kakšen odnos do smrti imajo študentke socialnega dela, ki se bodo v prihodnosti na svojem poklicnem področju po vsej verjetnosti srečevale z umirajočimi in žalujočimi. Poleg odnosa sem želela izvedeti, kakšne izkušnje srečanja z umirajočim in smrtjo imajo študentke, ob katerih priložnostih pogovor nanese na temo smrti in kako razumejo proces žalovanja ter katera znanja s tega področja bi še potrebovale. Izvedla sem kvalitativno raziskavo, kjer sem s pomočjo intervjuvanja osmih študentk prišla do podatkov in jih kasneje analizirala na kvalitativen način. Ugotovila sem, da študentke socialnega dela smrt in umiranje sprejemajo kot del življenja, hkrati pa doživljajo kot nekaj negativnega. Predvsem se na smrt odzivajo z negativnimi čustvi in po njihovem mnenju sta smrt in umiranje še vedno nezaželeni temi pogovorov v družbi ter med sovrstniki. Izgubo sorodnika študentke najpogosteje predelujejo s pomočjo pogovora in opore bližnjih. Proces poslavljanja doživljajo tako pozitivno, kot tudi negativno. Pogrebe namreč sprejemajo kot nekaj običajnega, hkrati pa so jim stresni ter naporni. Tudi proces žalovanja sprejemajo in nanj gledajo kot na ključen proces za sprejetje smrti bližnjega. Intervjuvanke so izrazile tudi željo po dodatnem znanju s področja dela z umirajočimi ter žalujočimi. Predvsem bi si želele znanje, kako ustrezno besedno ter nebesedno komunicirati z umirajočim človekom. Moji predlogi so, da bi na Fakulteti za socialno delo organizirali delavnico ali predavanje na temo smrti, tako da bi se lahko vse študentke opremile z dodatnim znanjem s tega področja. Dobro bi bilo tudi širšo družbo ozaveščati o temi smrti ter o tem spregovoriti z otroci v osnovnih šolah, da bi jim minljivost približali in tako zmanjšali strah pred le to. Na Fakulteti bi se lahko vzpostavila tudi skupina za samopomoč, kjer bi študentke imele priložnost spregovoriti o svojih izkušnjah srečanja z umirajočim ter smrtjo bližnjega in bi tako lažje prebrodile proces žalovanja.

Keywords:smrt, umiranje, žalovanje, odnos, socialno delo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[H. Lazar]
Number of pages:115 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139666 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:142768643 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Attitudes of social work students toward death and understanding the grieving process
Death is something we all eventually experience in our life. Most people encounter death and grief in their private lives, for others this is also a part of their profession. One of work placements, which frequently encounters passing and grief is social work, hence it is crucial for social workers to posses the ability to not only emphatise with dying people and help them pass away with dignity, but also to offer support to their grieving family members. Unfortunately dying is still percieved as a taboo in our society and for this reason many try to avoid discussing mentioned topic. In addition, knowledge in connection to the process of dying and the relationship we have with it is key to understanding the importance of spending quality time with those close to us and focusing on matters, essential to us during our lifetime. Acknowledging transience of life help us to live fully and to be more present. As a part of my thesis, I carried out a qualitative research to find out how social work students perceive death and process of dying, since they will be encountering these two processes in their field of work quite frequently. In addition to analysing their understanding of the process of dying, I also wished to research their previous encounters with dying individuals, on which ocassions they talk with others about death and how well they understand the grieving process in addition to finding out if they wish to gain any extra knowledge in connection to the mentioned topics. Findings from my research showed, that the students accepted death as a part of life, but also percieved it as something negative. Their emotional responses in connection to death are mostly negative, they believe death is something their peers and general society still avoid talking about. In their personal process of grieving their late family members, they search support in their close family and friends, mainly through talk. They accept funerals as something ordinary, but they also find them stressful and draining. In addition, they also see grieving as key process in order to accept someone's passing. Interviewed students expressed wish to gain extra knowledge in connection to communicating with dying individuals. Based on collected data, I came up with few solutions and proposals which could be implemented by the Faculty of social work. One of them is organizing workshops or lectures about death and passing, which would help students recieve new knowledge about this subject matter. It would be also beneficial to inform wider society about the mentioned subject, including conversation in the curriculum of primary schools, to lessen fear and stigma connected to death and dying. Another possible solution would also be to form a support group, in which students would be given a chance to speak about thier own encounters with passing of close family members in order to make grieving process easier and more peaceful.

Keywords:death, dying, grief, attitude, social work

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