
Uporaba tople odpadne vode za ogrevanje sveže sanitarne vode
ID Kavčič, Mitja (Author), ID Stritih, Uroš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Priprava tople sanitarne vode v povprečnem gospodinjstvu predstavlja približno 10 % vseh energijskih potreb. Gre za proces, ki se dnevno dogaja v vsakem stanovanjskem in tudi nestanovanjskem objektu, za zagotavljanje človekovega udobja. Toplo vodo se porablja za namene kuhanja, pranja perila, pomivanja posode, umivanja, prhanja ali pa kopanja. Vsa količina tople vode se po uporabi izlije v kanalizacijski sistem, s tem pa poleg vode zavržemo tudi vso toploto, ki je v njej še akumulirana. Z uporabo sistema za ponovno uporabo toplote odpadne tople vode se ta shranjuje v rezervoarju, iz katerega s pomočjo namenske toplotne črpalke črpamo toplotno energijo in jo uporabimo za ogrevanje sveže sanitarne vode. Odpadna topla voda se pred izlitjem v kanalizacijski sistem posledično ohladi, s pridobljeno količino toplote pa deloma ogrejemo svežo sanitarno vodo. Vodo je potrebno na željeno temperaturo le še dogrevati. Delež ponovno izkoriščene toplote za uporabnika predstavlja prihranke energije. V primeru uporabe sistema za ponovno uporabo toplote odpadne vode lahko prihranimo tudi do 50 % porabljenega energenta. V diplomski nalogi smo na primeru Fakultete za Šport Univerze v Ljubljani izračunali prihranke energenta v primeru vgradnje sistema za ponovno uporabo toplote odpadne vode, s katerim bi ogrevali svežo bazensko vodo in sanitarno vodo za potrebe tušev v bazenskem kompleksu.

Keywords:toplota, izkoriščanje toplote odpadne vode, rekuperacija vode, priprava tople vode, grelno število, energetska učinkovitost
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Kavčič]
Number of pages:XII, 60 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139637 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:123009283 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:06.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The use of the hot waste water for heating the fresh sanitary water
The preparation of hot sanitary water in an average household represents approximately 10 % of all energy needs. It is a process that takes place every day in every residential and also non-residential facility to ensure human comfort. Hot water is used for cooking, laundry, dishwashing, washing, showering or bathing. After use, the entire amount of hot water is poured into the sewage system, thereby throwing away not only the water but also all the heat that is still accumulated in it. By using a system for reusing the heat of waste hot water, the water is stored in a tank, from which thermal energy is extracted with the help of a dedicated heat pump. The heat is then used to heat fresh sanitary water. The hot waste water is cooled to a lower temperature before being poured into the sewage system, and the fresh sanitary water is partially heated with the same amount of heat. The portion of heat that is reused represents energy savings for the user. The water just needs to be heated to the desired temperature. Energy savings for the preparation of hot sanitary water in the case of using a waste water heat reuse system can be up to 50 %. In the diploma thesis, we calculated energy savings in the case of the installation of a waste water heat reuse system, which would be used to heat fresh pool water and sanitary water for the needs of showers in the pool complex, using the example of the Faculty of Sports of the University of Ljubljana.

Keywords:heat, using waste water heat, water heat recovery, hot water production, Coefficient of Performance, energy efficiency

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