
Vpliv GLUT1 na viabilnost tumorskih celic 4T1 ob prisotnosti različnih kemoterapevtikov
ID Kodra, Ana Marija (Author), ID Turk, Boris (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Tumorske celice so sposobne vzdrževati proliferativno signalizacijo ter se izogibati celični smrti. Da lahko vzdržujejo povečano proliferacijo, imajo tumorske celice povišane energijske potrebe, za kar je potreben povišan vnos glukoze v celico. GLUT1 je glukozni transporter s povišanim nivojem izražanja v tumorskih celicah pri mnogih oblikah raka. Prav zato je GLUT1 omenjen kot tarčna molekula pri razvoju terapij za tarčno zdravljenje raka. Številni članki poročajo o sinergističnih učinkih zdravljenja raka z že obstoječimi kemoterapevtiki v kombinacijami z inhibitorji GLUT1 oziroma njegovega izražanja. Cilj tega diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti, kako GLUT1 vpliva na viabilnost tumorskih celic 4T1 v prisotnosti kemoterapevtikov staurosporina in doksorubicina. Za simuliranje inhibicije GLUT1 smo uporabili celice 4T1 z izbitim genom Slc2a1, ki nosi zapis za GLUT1. Razlike v genotipu ter fenotipu kontrolnih celic in celic z izbitim genom smo potrdili s qPCR ter s prenosom western. Viabilnost celic smo določili z merjenjem bioluminiscence ter s testom MTT. Potrdili smo, da izbitje gena Slc2a1 tudi v odsotnosti kemoterapevtikov bistveno zmanjša proliferacijo celic 4T1. Vendar pa inhibicija GLUT1 nima sinergističnih učinkov s staurosporinom ali doksorubicinom. Staurosporin je namreč imel enak vpliv na kontrolne celice ter celice z izbitim genom Slc2a1, medtem ko je imel doksorubicin večji vpliv na kontrolne celice, ki pa so kljub temu še vedno bile bolj proliferativne od celic z izbitim genom Slc2a1.

Keywords:rak, GLUT1, bioluminiscenca, test MTT
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139599 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:126452739 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:05.09.2022
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Title:The effect of GLUT1 on viability of 4T1 tumour cells in the presence of various chemotherapeutic agents
Cancer cells are capable of sustaining proliferative signalling and resisting cell death. To be able to maintain enhanced proliferation, cancer cells have higher energy demands, which are in part satisfied with increased rates of glucose transport across the cell membrane. GLUT1 is a glucose transporter whose expression levels are elevated in various types of cancer cells. As a consequence, GLUT1 is perceived as a potential target in targeted cancer therapy. Several articles report that cancer treatment with already established chemotherapeutic agents has a synergistic effect in combination with GLUT1 inhibition. The aim of our work was to investigate whether GLUT1 affected the viability of 4T1 cancer cells in the presence of staurosporine and doxorubicin. We used 4T1 cells with a knocked out gene that encodes for GLUT1 to mimick complete inhibition of the transporter. Differences in genotype and phenotype of control and knockout cells was confirmed with qPCR and western blot. The viability of cells was assessed with bioluminescence and MTT assays. We confirmed that even in the absence of chemotherapeutic agents Slc2a1 knockout results in a significant decrease in proliferation of 4T1 cells. However, the absence of GLUT1 does not display synergistic effects with staurosporine and doxorubicin. Staurosporine equally affected control and knockout cells, whereas doxorubicin had a smaller effect on knockout cells even though their proliferation rates were still lower than those of the control cells.

Keywords:cancer, GLUT1, bioluminescence, MTT assay

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