
Pravno urejanje prehrane v judovskem pravu
ID Devetak, Nika (Author), ID Novak, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Judovsko pravo se od modernih pravnih sistemov loči po tem, da ureja vsa področja človekovega življenja, vključno s prehrano. Kašrut je hebrejski izraz za prehranska pravila judovskega prava. Ta med drugim določajo, katere živali je dovoljeno uživati in katerih ne, obredni zakol dovoljenih živali, metodi priprave mesa, da iz njega odteče vsa kri, kombiniranje različnih skupin živil ter pripravo, postrežbo, shranjevanje in uživanje mleka in mesa, ker ju je prepovedano mešati. Košer hrana je tista, ki jo je dovoljeno uživati, ker je v skladu s pravili kašruta in kot taka tvori pomemben del judovske kulture. Kašrut se uvršča v verski oziroma obredni del judovskega prava, ki zadeva razmerje Judov do Boga. Prehranska pravila temeljijo na Božjih zapovedih iz Tore – judovskih petih najbolj svetih knjig, in stremijo k svetosti osebe, prostora in časa. Pravila kašruta so most med vidnim in nevidnim, prehrana pa sredstvo za doseganje nevidnega, ko se Judje povezujejo z Bogom in iz obedovanja napravijo duhovni obred, zato je osrednji razlog pravnega urejanja prehrane skrb za dušo oziroma duhovno dobrobit. Uživanje košer hrane navzven loči Jude od drugih, spoštovanje kašruta pa prispeva k ohranjanju judovske identitete. Judje se s svojimi prehranskimi izbirami urijo v duhovni disciplini, uresničujejo Božjo voljo in in hodijo po poti, ki jo je zapovedal Bog, mu izkazujejo svojo pripadnost in postajajo sveti.

Keywords:judovstvo, judaizem, vera, Tora, judovsko pravo, halaha, kašrut, košer prehrana
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139514 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:122299907 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Legal regulation of diet in Jewish law
Jewish law differs from modern legal systems in that it regulates all areas of human life, including diet. Kashrut is the Hebrew term for the dietary rules of Jewish law, that, among other things, stipulate which animals are allowed to be consumed and which not, ritual slaughter of animals fit for consumption, methods of preparing meat ensuring that all the blood drains from it, combination of different food groups, and preparation, serving, storage and consumption of milk and meat because the two are prohibited to be mixed. Kosher food is food that is fit for consumption because it conforms to the rules of kashrut and as such forms an important part of Jewish culture. Kashrut is classified as a religious or ritual part of Jewish law, which governs the relationship of Jews with their God. Dietary rules are based on God's precepts derived from the Torah – the Jewish holiest five books, striving for the sanctity of person, space and time. The rules of kashrut present a bridge between the visible and the invisible, food serving as a means of reaching the invisible, when Jews connect with God and make a spiritual ritual out of eating. It follows that the main reason for the legal regulation of diet is in fact taking care for the soul or spiritual well-being. Eating kosher food denotes Jews from others, therefore, observing kashrut contributes to the preservation of Jewish identity. Jews train themselves in spiritual discipline with their dietary choices, fulfill God's will and walk the path commanded by Him, devote themselves to God and become holy.

Keywords:Judaism, Jewish religion, Torah, Jewish law, halakhah, kashrut, kosher food

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