
Povezanost med spolno funkcijo žensk, navezanostjo v partnerskem odnosu, komunikacijo o spolnosti in spoštovanjem med partnerjema : magistrsko delo
ID Šerjak, Lucija (Author), ID Cvetek, Mateja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V magistrskem delu smo raziskovali povezanost ženske spolne funkcije in nekaterih pomembnih medosebnih dejavnikov, natančneje doživljanjem anksioznosti in izogibanja v partnerskih odnosih, diadne komunikacije na področju spolnosti ter spoštovanja med partnerjema. V teoretičnem delu smo zato najprej predstavili glavna teoretična izhodišča raziskovanih fenomenov, temu je v empiričnem delu sledila predstavitev kvantitativne raziskave. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 205 spolno dejavnih žensk v starosti med 18 in 59 let, ki so bile v času izvajanja raziskave ali kadar koli prej v resni heteroseksualni partnerski zvezi. Za raziskavo, ki se je izvajala prek spletnega portala 1ka Arnes, je bila uporabljena kombinacija štirih vprašalnikov: Indeks ženske spolne funkcije (FSFI), vprašalnik Doživljanje odnosov z bližnjimi – revidirana različica (ECR-R), Lestvica diadne spolne komunikacije (DSCS) in Lestvica spoštovanja do partnerja (RTPS). Statistična analiza je bila opravljena s programom IBM SPSS Statistics. Rezultati so pokazali, da so dimenzije spolne funkcije pri ženskah med seboj pomembno pozitivno povezane, hkrati so pomembno povezane tudi z raziskovanimi medosebnimi dejavniki. Ugotovili smo, da je boljša spolna funkcija pri ženskah povezana z manj anksioznosti in izogibanja v partnerskem odnosu, učinkovitejšo diadno komunikacijo na področju spolnosti in večjim spoštovanjem med partnerjema. Potrdili smo tudi, da se ženske v različnih starostnih skupinah in skupinah glede na trajanje partnerskega razmerja med seboj ne razlikujejo pomembno, a obstaja razlika v doživljanju orgazma med dvema izobrazbenima skupinama. Hkrati smo ugotovili tudi, da ženske, ki doživljajo manj anksioznosti in izogibanja v partnerskem odnosu, diadno komunikacijo o spolnosti ocenjujejo kot učinkovitejšo, večje je tudi spoštovanje med partnerjema. Dobljenih rezultatov sicer ne moremo posploševati na populacijo, vendar prinašajo pomemben uvid v razumevanje ženske spolne funkcije z biopsihosocialnega vidika.

Keywords:ženska spolna funkcija, odrasla navezanost, diadna spolna komunikacija, spoštovanje
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:TEOF - Theological Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Šerjak]
Number of pages:XII, 97, XIII str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139513 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:120739587 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Relationship between women's sexual function, attachment in a partner relationship, dyadic sexual communication, and partner respect
In the master's thesis, we investigated the relationship between women's sexual function and some significant interpersonal aspects, particularly the presence of anxiety and avoidance in intimate relationships, dyadic sexual communication, and respect between partners. Therefore, we presented the main conceptual framework of the phenomena under study in the theoretical section before presenting the quantitative research in the empirical section. The study included 205 sexually active women between the ages of 18 and 59 who were currently or have ever been in a serious heterosexual relationship. For the research, which was conducted using the 1ka Arnes web portal, a combination of 4 questionnaires were used: The Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI), The Experiences in Close Relationships – Revised (ECR-R), Dyadic Sexual Communication Scale (DSCS) and Respect Toward Parnter Scale (RTPS). The IBM SPSS Statistics program was used to conduct the statistical analysis. The findings demonstrate that the various aspects of a woman's sexual function significantly positively correlate not only with one another but also with the investigated interpersonal factors. We found that better dyadic sexual communication, less anxiety and avoidance in intimate relationships, and higher levels of respect between partners are all related to better sexual function in women. No distinguishable differences in sexual function between women of different ages or in terms of the duration of their relationships have been discovered by our research; however, there is a difference in the experience of orgasm between two educational groups. Additionally, we found that when women experience less anxiety and avoidance in their intimate relationships, they rate dyadic sexual communication as more effective and rate respect between partners higher. The findings provide critical information for understanding female sexual function from a biopsychosocial perspective even though they cannot be generalized to the general population.

Keywords:female sexual function, adult attachment, dyadic sexual communication, respect

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