
Vpliv aerobne vadbe na multiplo sklerozo
ID Savšek, Lina (Author), ID Šega Jazbec, Saša (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Ozadje: Bolezenski proces pri multipli sklerozi (MS) sestavljata medsebojno tesno prepleteni vnetna in nevrodegenerativna komponenta, ki ju označujeta kopičenje vnetnih sprememb v beli možganovini in možganska atrofija. S sodobnimi zdravili uspešno zavremo vnetni proces, manj uspešni pa smo pri zaustavljanju procesa nevrodegeneracije in lajšanju simptomov, povezanih z MS. Poleg farmakoloških ukrepov zato iščemo tudi nefarmakološke, s katerimi bi lahko omilili težave, povezane z MS, ter dodatno zaustavili napredovanje bolezenskega procesa. Rezultati raziskav, osredotočenih na starejšo populacijo in bolnike z demenco, kažejo na možnost nevroprotektivnega učinka aerobne vadbe. Vpliv aerobne vadbe na vnetne in nevrodegenerativne procese pri bolnikih z MS še ni popolnoma pojasnjen. Prav tako ni znano, kakšen je dodani učinek aerobne vadbe v kombinaciji s farmakološkim zdravljenjem. Cilj: Namen naše raziskave je bil ugotoviti, kašen vpliv ima aerobna vadba v kombinaciji s farmakološkim zdravljenjem s fingolimodom na proces vnetne aktivnosti in nevrodegeneracije pri bolnikih z MS. Dokazi o ugodnem vplivu aerobne vadbe so pomembni kot osnova za nadaljnje raziskave v smeri iskanja strategij, ki bi omogočale boljši nadzor bolezenskega procesa MS in izboljšale kakovost življenja bolnikov. Dodatno bi lahko raziskava služila kot dokaz in podpora rehabilitacijskim programom, namenjenim bolnikom z MS. Bolniki in metode: Raziskava je bila zasnovana kot randomizirana kontrolirana študija v trajanju 12 tednov. Vanjo je bilo vključenih skupno 28 bolnikov, zdravljenih s fingolimodom; od tega je bila polovica bolnikov (n = 14) vključena v program aerobne vadbe dvakrat tedensko v trajanju 60 min, polovica (n = 14) pa je v tem obdobju nadaljevala z običajnim življenjskim slogom. Primarni cilj raziskave so bili magnetnoresonančni biomarkerji vnetja (število in volumen T2 ter z gadolinijem obarvanih T1 lezij) in nevrodegeneracije (volumen celotne in sive možganovine, volumen posameznih možganskih struktur). Sekundarni cilji raziskave so bili ocena po razširjeni lestvici prizadetosti (angl. Expanded Disability Status Scale, EDSS), hitrosti hoje, serumske koncentracije citokinov (interlevkin-6, topni receptor za interlevkin-2 in BDNF (angl. brain-derived neurotrophic factor)), ocena kognitivnih funkcij, utrudljivosti, razpoloženja in kakovosti življenja bolnikov. Rezultati: V splošnem je bil vpliv aerobne vadbe na volumen celotne in sive možganovine ter na večino analiziranih posameznih možganskih struktur zanemarljiv. Ugotovili pa smo vpliv aerobne vadbe na volumen nekaterih posameznih možganskih struktur (amigdala, putamen, posteriorni cingulatni girus, parahipokampalni girus in talamus), pri čemer je bila smer vpliva heterogena. Aerobna vadba je bila tako povezana z zmanjšanjem volumna putamna in posteriornega cingulatnega girusa ter s povečanjem volumna parahipokampalnega girusa, hkrati pa smo ugotovili, da sta se volumen talamusa in amigdale ohranila. Pri bolnikih, vključenih v program aerobne vadbe, smo ugotovili tudi zmanjšanje števila in volumna z gadolinijem obarvanih T1 lezij. Analiza je pokazala še, da je aerobna vadba nekoliko izboljšala hitrost hoje in zvišala serumsko koncentracijo BDNF, medtem ko pomembnega vpliva na preostale sekundarne izide raziskave ni bilo. Zaključek: Naša raziskava nudi nove podatke o vplivu aerobne vadbe v kombinaciji s farmakološkim zdravljenjem s fingolimodom na bolezenski proces pri MS, saj gre za prvo tovrstno raziskavo na tem področju. Rezultati naše raziskave kažejo, da bi lahko aerobna vadba pozitivno vplivala na ohranjanje volumna nekaterih možganskih struktur, kot so parahipokampalni girus, talamus in amigdala, in s tem torej delovala nevroprotektivno. Raziskava je nakazala tudi možnost različnega učinka aerobne vadbe na posamezne možganske regije, saj smo zabeležili negativen učinek na volumen putamna in posteriornega cingulatnega girusa, klinični učinek tega pa za zdaj ostaja nepojasnjen. Možno je, da aerobna vadba deluje tudi protivnetno, saj smo zabeležili zmanjšanje števila in volumna z gadolinijem obarvanih T1 lezij, ob čemer je skupno število T2 lezij ostalo stabilno. Z izjemo blagega izboljšanja hitrosti hoje in povišanja serumske koncentracije BDNF, pomembnejšega vpliva aerobne vadbe na invalidnost, kognitivne funkcije, utrudljivost, razpoloženje ali kakovost življenja bolnikov z MS nismo zabeležili. Raziskava ima nekaj omejitev, ki otežujejo posploševanje na celotno skupino bolnikov z MS, med drugim zaznavanje pomembnejših sprememb onemogočata velikost študijskega vzorca in trajanje študije. Kljub temu pa naša raziskava daje pomemben temelj za nadaljnje raziskave daljšega trajanja, ki bi vključile večje število bolnikov in različne oblike zdravljenj ter s tem natančneje raziskale vpliv aerobne vadbe na bolezenski proces pri MS. Hkrati ta raziskava daje tudi prve spodbudne podatke o možnem pozitivnem vplivu aerobne vadbe predvsem na nevrodegenerativni, pa tudi vnetni proces pri MS, kar daje podporo rehabilitacijskim programom za bolnike z MS.

Keywords:multipla skleroza, aerobna vadba, nevrodegeneracija, možganska atrofija, magnetnoresonančno slikanje, kognitivni procesi, citokini, kvaliteta življenja
Work type:Doctoral dissertation
Organization:MF - Faculty of Medicine
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139483 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:120792579 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Impact of aerobic exercise on multiple sclerosis
Background: The inflammatory and neurodegenerative component of the disease process of multiple sclerosis (MS) are closely intertwined and characterized by the accumulation of white matter lesions in the central nerve system and accelerated brain atrophy. The inflammation can nowadays efficiently be targeted with the currently available disease modyfying drugs, but the neurodegenerative process and efficient symptom management are harder to tackle. Along with new pharmaceutical approaches, non-pharmaceutical approaches to alleviate MS symptoms and decelerate the disease progression are being sought. Studies on ageing in healthy subjects and subjects wih dementia suggest that aerobic exercise may have a neuroprotective effect. There is insufficient knowledge about how aerobic exercise impacts the disease process of MS and how aerobic exercise, combined with pharmaceutical treatment, might have a role in the management of MS. Objective: Our study objective was to examine the impact of aerobic exercise on neuroinflammation and neurodegeneration in persons with MS. Evidence of a favourable impact of aerobic exercise would serve as a base for further research, focused on finding strategies which would help alleviate and better control the disease process of multiple sclerosis and therefore improve their quality of life. Additionally, newly gained information could serve as proof and support for rehabilitation programs for persons with MS. Patients and methods: An exploratory 12-week randomized control trial including an intervention group (n=14, 12 weeks of aerobic exercise twice weekly in duration of 60 minutes) and a control group (n=14, continuation of usual lifestyle). Primary outcomes were magnetic resonance imaging measures of inflammation (T2 and T1-gadolinium enhancing lesion count and volume) and neurodegeneration (whole brain, gray matter and brain structure volume change), while secondary outcomes included disability measures (Expanded Disability Status Scale), Timed 25-foot Walk Test, blood cytokine levels (interleukin-6, soluble interleukin-2 receptor, brain-derived neurotrophic factor), cognitive tests and patient-reported outcomes (fatigue, mood, quality of life). Results: The effects od aerobic exercise on whole brain and grey matter atrophy were minor. The observed effect on volume (atrophy) in selected brain substructures was heterogeneous. Putaminal and posterior cingulate volumes decreased, parahippocampal gyrus volume increased, thalamuus and amygdala volume remained the same, and active lesion load and count decreased. However, apart from weak improvements in walking speed and brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels, there was no effect of aerobic exercise on other clinical, cognitive or patient-reported measures. Conclusion: The results of our study provide new information on the impact of aerobic exercise in combination with pharmaceutical treatment with fingolimod on thedisease process of MS. The results suggest that aerobic exercise in persons with MS has a positive effect on the volume of some of the substructures of the brain (parahippocampal gyrus, thalamus and amygdala), possibly indicating a slowing of the neurodegenerative process in these regions. However, the observed effect of aerobic exercise on the selected brain substructures seems to be heterogeneous so a negative impact on the volume of putamen and posterior cingulate gyrus was observed, with unclear implications. While the total T2 lesion load remained stable, a slight decrease in active lesion volume and count have been observed, which could imply to an antiinflammatory effect of aerobic exercise in persons with MS. Apart from weak improvements in walking speed and brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels we have observed no meaningful impact of aerobic exercise on disability, cognitive function, fatigue, mood or quality of life of persons with MS. Several limitations, especially the small sample size and study length, preclude the generalization of our study findings to all persons with MS. However, our study provides an important foundation for further studies of longer duration and larger sample size with inclusion of other disease-modifying drugs to either confirm of refute there findings and further elucidate the role of aerobic exercise as an adjunctive treatment option in the management of patients with MS. Furthermore, this study provides novel information on the probable positive effect of aerobic exercise on the neurodegenerative and inflammatory process of MS, additionally supporting rehabilitation strategies for people with MS.

Keywords:multiple sclerosis, aerobic exercise, neurodegeneration, brain atrophy, magnetic resonance imaging, cognition, cytokines, quality of life

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