As consumers, we often form an opinion based on first impressions. If we talk about products, the packaging is probably the first thing that we see but the logo, as an integral part of the packaging, also has the primary function of identifying the company and is consequently a reflection of its brand. In addition to the previously mentioned functions, the logo, with its constituent elements, also affects consumers psychologically. Larger companies spend a lot of time and money on creating a visual image of a brand because they want to arouse specific emotional responses in consumers to anticipate and influence their shopping behavior to some extent.
Through the diploma thesis, we were interested in the extent to which the logo's appearance influences the consumer's decision to purchase or choose a product or service and how important the logo is in the set of all the elements that make up its brand image. In the diploma thesis, we focused mainly on the logo's meaning, researched its impact on the image of the company's brand, and, finally, on the psychological aspect of logos in consumers and their behavioral processes.
As part of the experimental work, with the help of Adobe Photoshop software, specific attributes of some logos have been changed with the aim of further use in the survey. Changes made include simplification and/or change in the color scheme. With the help of the analysis of the results from the online survey, we concluded that the consumer pays much attention to the brand logo and that it is not just an identification tool. We also found that the components of the logo affect the brand's image by consumers.