
Duševno zdravje žensk z izkušnjo bivanja v psihiatrični bolnišnici v občini Črenšovci : diplomsko delo
ID Godina, Karmen (Author), ID Zaviršek, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo predstavi kakšno je duševno zdravje žensk v občini Črenšovci, s kakšnimi težavami se morebiti soočajo, kaj pozitivno vpliva na njihovo zdravje in kaj ga poslabšuje. Prav tako so predstavljene izkušnje žensk bivanja v psihiatrični bolnišnici, torej kakšno je bilo njihovo počutje znotraj institucije, kaj se jim zdi, da jim je institucija dala in kaj je je morda vzela. V teoretičnem delu sem predstavila najprej nekaj osnovnih značilnosti duševnega zdravja, nato sem se osredotočila na tri najpogostejše oblike težav v duševnem zdravju, s katerimi se soočajo ženske na podlagi številnih raziskav. Sledi predstavitev odvisnosti ter oblike pomoči, na katere se lahko ženske obrnejo v primeru težav v duševnem zdravju. Poudarek je bil tudi na institucionalni oskrbi, v okviru česa sem predstavila Psihiatrično bolnišnico Ormož, saj so vse moje intervjuvanke imele izkušnjo bivanja v tej instituciji. Uporabila sem kvalitativno raziskovanje in s pomočjo delno strukturiranega intervjuja intervjuvala osem žensk iz občine Črenšovci z izkušnjo bivanja v psihiatrični bolnišnici. Cilj raziskave je bil opozoriti na problematiko duševnega zdravja žensk z izkušnjo bivanja v psihiatrični bolnišnici v občini Črenšovci ter osvetliti njihove izkušnje bivanja v instituciji. Skozi nalogo izpostavljam pomen govora o temi duševnega zdravja, o kateri se v manjših vaseh ne govori dovolj in na tak način poskušam ozaveščati in informirati ženske. Raziskava je pokazala, da je duševno zdravje žensk slabše kot sem pričakovala in da se te težave pokažejo v oblikah kot so stres, težave z 'živci', depresija in osamljenost. Težava žensk je tudi slaba oziroma ne dovolj razširjena socialna mreža, ter slabi odnosu znotraj družine, v nekaterih primerih pa prihaja tudi do nasilja v družini. Na način življenja v instituciji so se ženske s časom privadile, kljub temu da jim je bilo na začetku precej težko. Institucija jim je vzela marsikaj, česar ženske sploh niso izpostavile, verjetno tudi zaradi tega, ker so se bile prisiljene kar hitro prilagoditi načinu življenja v instituciji. Sama menim, da lahko ženskam pomagamo na zelo različne načine z vzpostavljanjem skupnostnih služb, brez tega, da jih zapiramo v institucije.

Keywords:duševno zdravje žensk, težave v duševnem zdravju, vplivi na duševno zdravje, nasilje, osamljenost, substance, psihiatrična bolnišnica
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Godina]
Number of pages:65 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139421 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:140850435 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Mental health of women in the Črenšovci municipality with the experience of living in a psychiatric hospital
The graduation thesis presents the mental health of women in the municipality of Črenšovci, what problems they may face, what has a positive effect on their health and what makes it worse. The experiences of women staying in a psychiatric hospital are also presented, that is, how they felt inside the institution, what they think the institution gave them and what it may have taken. In the theoretical part, I first presented some basic characteristics of mental health, then I focused on the three most common forms of mental health problems that women face based on a number of studies. What followed is a presentation of addiction and forms of help that women can turn to in case of mental health problems. The emphasis was also on institutional care, in the framework of which I presented the Ormož Psychiatric Hospital, as all my interviewees had the experience of living in this institution. I used qualitative research and, with the help of a partially structured interview, interviewed eight women from the municipality of Črenšovci with experience of living in a psychiatric hospital. The aim of this research was to draw attention to the issue of mental health of women with the experience of living in a psychiatric hospital in the municipality of Črenšovci and to shed light on their experience of living in an institution. Through the assignment, I highlight the importance of talking about the topic of mental health, which is not talked about enough in smaller villages, and with it, I try to raise awareness and inform women. Research has shown that women’s mental health is worse than I expected and that these problems manifest themselves in forms such as stress, ‘nerve’ problems, depression and loneliness. The problem of women is also a poor or insufficiently widespread social network and poor relationships within the family, in some cases there is also domestic violence. Women became accustomed to the way of life in the institution over time, despite the fact that it was quite difficult for them at the beginning. The institution took away many things from them, which the women did not expose in its entirety, probably also because they were forced to quickly adapt to the way of life in the institution. I myself believe that we can help women in very different ways by setting up community services, without locking them up in institutions.

Keywords:women's mental health, mental health problems, factors affecting mental health, violence, loneliness, substances, psychiatric hospital

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