
Delitev skupnega premoženja zakoncev
ID Mulej, Tine (Author), ID Novak, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Da govorimo o nastanku skupnega premoženja zakoncev, morata biti izpolnjena dva pogoja in sicer, premoženje mora biti pridobljeno v času trajanja zakonske zveze oziroma življenjski skupnosti in pridobljeno mora biti z delom ali odplačno. Vsak zakonec ima tudi svoje posebno premoženje. Posebno premoženje ne spada v skupno premoženje, in z njim zakonec razpolaga samostojno. Obe vrsti premoženja zakoncev sta v magistrski nalogi predstavljeni z specifikami, ob upoštevanju aktualne sodne prakse. V praksi pogosto prihaja tudi do različnega prelivanja premoženjskih kategorij in sicer vlaganja posebnega premoženja enega od zakoncev v skupno premoženje, vlaganje posebnega premoženja enega od zakoncev v posebno premoženje drugega zakonca in vlaganje skupnega premoženja v posebno premoženje enega od zakoncev. Različne oblike prelivanja sem opisal na različnih življenjsko najpogostejših primerih ter pri tem upošteval tudi sodno prakso. Družinski zakonik (Uradni list RS, št. 15/17, 21/18- v nadaljevanju DZ), je na premoženjska razmerja zakoncev vnesel številne novosti. Bistvena novost je, da se lahko zakonca ali zunajzakonska partnerja ali partnerja iz partnerske skupnosti s pogodbo o ureditvi premoženjskopravnih razmerij (predporočna pogodba) dogovorita o vsebini premoženjskega režima. S to spremembo smo v slovenski pravni red uvedli pogodbeni premoženjski režim. Pred tem je veljal samo zakoniti premoženjski režim. S sprejetjem DZ so določbe zakonitega premoženjskega režima prešle iz kogentnih v dispozitivne. Postopek razdelitve skupnega premoženja poteka v nepravdnem in v pravdnem postopku. Sodišče bo v nepravdnem postopku o delitvi skupnega premoženja odločalo le, če med zakoncema ni spora o predmetu delitve in o velikosti njunih deležev. Potrebno je vedeti tudi, da pri delitvi skupnega premoženja velja pravna domneva o enakosti deležev zakoncev na skupnem premoženju. V kolikor med zakoncema ne bo dogovora oziroma soglasja o višini deležev na skupnem premoženju ter obsegu skupnega premoženja, oziroma bo podano nestrinjanje s pravno domnevo o enakosti deležev na skupnem premoženju, bo nepravdno sodišče prekinilo postopek ter zakonca (čigar pravica oziroma zatrjevanje je manj verjetno) napotilo na pravdo.

Keywords:skupno premoženje, delitev skupnega premoženja, posebno premoženje, pravdni postopek, nepravdni postopek, Družinski zakonik
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139416 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:122416131 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:02.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Division of common property
If we wanna talk about marital property there have to be two mandatory requirements fulfilled: they must be obtained during the time of marriage or registered partnership and through work or pay. Beside marital property, every spouse has their own seperate property. Seperate property does not belong to marital property and with seperate property every spouse can completely in order of disposition of it. Both types of properties are in my thesis presented with specifics and with compliance of judical practice. In practices there are numerous transfers of property categories, such as seperate property of one spouse to marital property, investment of seperate properts of one spouse to seperate property of the other spouse and investment of marital property in seperate property of one spouse. Different types of transfers in my thesis are descripted on life cases that are most common with compliance of judical practice. The Family Code brought many new changes in the sphere of property relations betweeen spouses. The main change is that the spouses or unmaried couple or parners in registered partnership can sign a contract on the regulation of property relations. With that change we brought in slovenian Family Code contractual matrimonial property regime. Before the adoption of the new Family Code there was only legal property regime. With the adoption of the new Family Code the legalities of property regime went from cogent to dispositional. The division of marital property takes place in non-contentious procedure and in litigation procedure. The court will decide in non-contentious procedure only if there are no disagreement of scoper and proportions. We need to know that in division of marital property there is the legal presumption of equality of shares on marital property. If between spouses there would be no agreement on the amount of shares or if there is disagreement with the legal presumption of equality of shares, the non-contentious court will suspend the proceeding and refer parties to litigation.

Keywords:common property, division of common property, seperate property, litigation procedure, non-contentious procedure, Family Code

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