
Vloga socialne delavke pri stikih pod nadzorom : diplomsko delo
ID Velić, Sara (Author), ID Mešl, Nina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šeme, Mojca (Comentor)

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V diplomski nalogi pišem o vlogi socialnih delavk, zaposlenih na enotah centrov za socialno delo, pri izvajanju naloge stikov pod nadzorom. Poleg tega se osredotočim tudi na potek stikov pod nadzorom, na znanje, na katerega se pri svojem delu opirajo, ter na ovire in izzive, s katerimi se socialne delavke soočajo pri opravljanju te naloge. Teoretični del zajema opis naloge stika pod nadzorom, pregled zakonske podlage in opredelitev vloge socialne delavke. Podrobneje se posvetim posebnim situacijami, ki privedejo do stika pod nadzorom, kot so na primer nasilje v družini, kompleksne razveze, zloraba in zanemarjanje otroka ter težave staršev na področju duševnega zdravja in/ali pretirane uporabe drog in alkohola. Izpostavim temo koristi in zaščite otrok ter spomnim na na odnosu in sodelovanju utemeljeno pomoč in podporo družini. Teoretični del sklenem z izsledki ameriških raziskav o pogledu uporabnikov, staršev in otrok, na nalogo stikov pod nadzorom. V empiričnem delu so predstavljene značilnosti izvedene kvalitativne raziskave in rezultati, pridobljeni s pomočjo polstrukturiranega intervjuja, opravljenega z osmimi socialnimi delavkami in delavci. Rezultati so pokazali, da socialne delavke svojo vlogo pri stiku pod nadzorom vidijo predvsem kot nadzorno in skrbstveno v smislu skrbi za to, da stik med staršem in otrokom poteka v skladu s pravili in da je poskrbljeno za otrokovo varnost. Nadzorovan stik tako predstavlja čas za preživljanje časa med staršem in otrokom, socialna delavka pa se v dinamiko tega odnosa praviloma ne vključuje in stik tako zgolj opazuje in si zapisuje. Na različnih enotah centrov za socialno delo so se oblikovali različni pristopi oz. načini izvajanja te naloge. Vse socialne delavke ne vzpostavijo vedno odnosa s starši in otroki, pogosto jih pred izvedbo stika pod nadzorom še ne poznajo. Odgovori socialnih delavk so pokazali, da svetovalno delo ni nujno del naloge izvajanja stikov pod nadzorom in tako družine ne dobijo pomoči in podpore na CSD, ampak naj bi jo morale iskat same zunaj centra, kar pa se redko zgodi. Rezultati raziskave so pokazali, da se socialne delavke pri opravljanju te naloge soočajo z mnogo ovirami in izzivi (izvajanje stikov pod nadzorom, ki otrokom niso v korist, prostorske ovire, sodni postopki, dileme o tem, kako bodo stiki med staršem in otrokom potekali po koncu izvajanja stikov pod nadzorom ipd.).

Keywords:stiki pod nadzorom, vloga socialne delavke, družine, centri za socialno delo, korist otroka
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[S. Velić]
Number of pages:165 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139364 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:143986435 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The role of a social worker in supervised visitations
In my graduation thesis I write about the role of social workers, employed in the units of the Center for Social Work in Slovenia, who are providing supervised visitations. Besides that, I describe the course of supervised contacts, the knowledge on which the social workers rely in their work, and on the obstacles and challenges that they face within the supervised contact task. The thesis includes a theoretical discussion on the supervised contact task, the legal basis of supervised contacts, and the definition of the role of a social worker. I focus in detail on specific situations that lead to supervised contact, such as domestic violence, divorce, child abuse, child neglect, parental mental health disorders, and substance and alcohol abuse. I highlight the benefits to children deriving from the social work approach “relationship-based help and cooperation and support for the family.” The theoretical section I present the American research on the view of parents and children on supervised contacts. The empirical section describes qualitative research obtained by semi-structural interviews with eight social workers. The research results suggest that social workers view their role in supervised contacts as solely supervisory. They see their job as ensuring that parental visitation is conducted safely, and in accordance with the rules and regulations. Supervised contact thus creates an opportunity for the parent and child to spend time together. The social worker is not usually involved in the dynamics of this relationship, as he or she only observes and documents the visit. Different units of social work centers have formulated different approaches to supervised contacts. All of the social workers do not establish a relationship with parents and children; they often do not even know them before the start of supervised visitations. The research showed that counseling work is not necessarily part of the supervised visitation task. Families do not receive help and support at the center for social work, but are expected to seek it outside the center, which rarely happens. The results of my research showed that social workers face many obstacles and challenges in providing supervised visitations (unbeneficial supervised contacts for children, spatial barriers, court proceedings, and the aftermath of parent-child contact post- supervised visitations etc.).

Keywords:supervised visitations, the role of the social worker, centres for social work, child benefit

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