
Samoopredelitve vloge očeta : diplomsko delo
ID Brišnik, Nuša (Author), ID Mešl, Nina (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Očetovstvo se skozi zgodovino spreminja. Od lovcev, ki so skrbeli za družino z nabiranjem in lovljenjem hrane, do novega očetovstva, ki je doprinesel aktivno vlogo očeta v družini. Očetje tako kot matere predstavljajo močne stebre pri razvoju otrokovega počutja. Kljub večji vključenosti očetov v socializacijo otrok v zadnjih nekaj desetletjih se večina raziskav starševstva še vedno osredotoča na vlogo matere pri razvoju otroka. Opravila sem kvalitativno, eksplorativno ali poizvedovalno in empirično raziskavo. Ker je še nekoliko neraziskano področje, vsaj v Sloveniji, sem se seznanila z novim pojavom. Besedne opise osmih očetov heteroseksualnih in dvostarševskih družin sem zbrala z metodo spraševanja, kot merski instrument je služilo vodilo za intervju. V raziskavi sem ugotovila, da očetje v svoji starševski vlogi nudijo pomoč in spodbudo svojim otrokom, kjer je pomemben njihov glas, vseeno pa v družini očetje ohranjajo svojo avtoriteto. V družinah se ponavlja tako enakovredna kot tradicionalna delitev vlog. Spoznala sem, da so k oblikovanju očetovske vloge prispevali vzorci vzgoje iz primarne družine. Očetom primanjkuje časa zase, vseeno pa poskušajo najti trenutek za sprostitev. Očetje, ki so bili vključeni v raziskavo, razumejo aktivno vlogo očeta v družini kot uravnotežen prispevek starša k vzgoji otrok in vključevanju v gospodinjska opravila. Očetje so vključeni v šolske dejavnosti otrok. Dopolnjevanje z materjo njunih otrok se jim zdi pomembno. Otroci se v plašljivi situaciji obrnejo tudi na očete, ki se na svoje otroke odzivajo s pogovorom in spodbudo. Očetje imajo dobre možnosti usklajevanja dela in starševstva. Vsi so koristili očetovski dopust, ki je po njihovem mnenju prispeval k razvoju odnosa z otroki. Očetom primanjkuje preživljanje časa z otroki in si ga želijo več. Predlagali so tudi nekaj novih možnosti usklajevanja dela in starševstva.

Keywords:družina, oče, otrok, novo očetovstvo, aktivna vloga očeta, očetovski dopust, očetovstvo in materinstvo
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[N. Brišnik]
Number of pages:77 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139363 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:140139011 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Self-determination of the role of the father
Fatherhood is changing throughout history. From hunters, who took care of the family by gathering and hunting food to a new kind of fatherhood, which has led to the active role of the father in the family. Fathers, as much as mothers, represent strong pillars in the process of child’s well-being. Despite the greater involvement of fathers in children’s socialization over the past few decades, most parenting research still focuses on the role of the mother in child development. My research is qualitative, exploratory and empirical. Since this is, at least in Slovenia, still a somewhat unexplored area, I became familiar with the new phenomenon. I collected verbal descriptions of eight fathers from heterosexual and two-parent families using the questioning method, and the interview guide served as a measuring instrument. In the research, I have learnt that fathers offer their children help and encouragement in their parenting role, where their voice is important, however fathers still maintain their authority in the family. Both equal and traditional division of roles are presented in families. I realized that patterns brought from the primary family affect greatly on the role of fathers. Fathers lack time for taking care of themselves, yet they try to find a moment to relax. The fathers who were included in the research understand the active role as a father in the family as a balanced contribution of the parent to the upbringing of the children and inclusion in housework. Fathers are involved in children’s school activities. Fathers find being complement with the mother of their children important. When children find themselves in a fearful situation, they also turn to fathers, who respond to their children with conversation and encouragement. Fathers have good possibilities of reconciling work and parenthood. They have all taken paternity leave and they think this contributed to developing their relationship with the children. Fathers lack spending time with their children and want spend it even more. They also suggested some new ways of reconciling work and parenting.

Keywords:family, father, child, new fatherhood, father’s active role, paternity leave, fatherhood and motherhood

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