
Industrijsko postrojenje za sočasno proizvodnjo toplote in električne energije
ID Dagarin, Mark (Author), ID Sekavčnik, Mihael (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo obravnava industrijsko postrojenje za sočasno proizvodnjo toplote in električne energije s plinskim turbinskim postrojem. Na podlagi podatkov iz industrije, proizvajalcev opreme in ostale relevantne literature smo zasnovali primeren postroj, kateremu smo zapisali energijske in masne bilance glavnih komponent. Numerični model kogeneracijskega postroja smo nato postavili v programski opremi Simtech IPSEpro, po vstavitvi mesečno povprečenih vrednosti vhodnih podatkov smo dobili rezultate. Model se dobro ujema s karakteristiko podobnih strojev in naprav v praksi, rezultati so opisani ter analizirani. Postroj je sposoben slediti realnemu odjemu električne energije in pare. V ekonomski analizi so prikazani potencialni prihranki za dva režima obratovanja kogeneracije.

Keywords:Sočasna proizvodnja toplote in električne energije, SPTE, Kogeneracija, Energija, Energetska učinkovitost, Postroj, Emisije, Toplota, Para, Elektrika
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Dagarin]
Number of pages:XXII, 78 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139360 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:119999747 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.09.2022
DAGARIN, Mark, 2022, Industrijsko postrojenje za sočasno proizvodnjo toplote in električne energije [online]. Master’s thesis. Ljubljana : M. Dagarin. [Accessed 16 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Industrial combined heat and power - CHP plant
This master's thesis describes industrial combined heat and power technology for an industrial consumer. Based on information from the industry, equipment manufacturers and relevant literature, an appropriate technology was chosen, energy and mass balance equations were written for main components. Numerical model of gas turbine with heat recovery steam generator was built in Simtech's IPSEpro software, monthly averaged data was input, outputting simulation results. The model's performance shows good correlation with similar technologies used in practice. Results were described and analysed, the model is capable of following the partial load settings dictated by actual steam and electricity demand. Economic analysis was performed, showing potential savings for two different regimes of operation.

Keywords:Cogeneration, Energy, Energy efficiency, Emissions, Heat, Steam, Electricity

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