In this thesis, we performed a comparative analysis of the building's energy efficiency, based on the indicators defined in the Regulations on the Energy Efficiency of Buildings from 2010 and 2022. The updated regulations introduce requirements for almost zero energy buildings, which must be met by all new and reconstructed buildings. By basing ourselves on the updated rule book’s requirements, we made an analysis for all the anticipated energy requirements that buildings will have to meet.
We determined the energy efficiency indicators of the selected building for the level of energy required to ensure living comfort, the level of supplied energy and the level of required primary energy, which is the basis for determining the indicators of almost zero energy buildings. We made a comparison of various measures of efficient energy use, systems for heating and preparation of hot sanitary water, and lastly, technologies for the production of heat and electricity in the building.
By doing so, we found that the updated regulation significantly tightens the energy efficiency requirements, but these can be met by thoughtful technical planning of the building’s systems.