
Stališča do oseb s posebnimi potrebami v izbranih področjih bivše Jugoslavije
ID Begić, Emina (Author), ID Žgur, Erna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V preteklosti so imeli ljudje do oseb s posebnimi potrebami negativno in netolorantno stališče. To je vplivalo na njihovo življenje in je onemogočilo njihovo vključevanje v širše okolje. Glavni namen magistrskega dela je bil raziskati vpliv različnih sociodemografskih značilnosti na oblikovanje stališč do oseb s posebnimi potrebami v izbranih področjih bivše Jugoslavije. V teoretičnem delu smo s pomočjo literature najprej opredelili izraz Jugoslavija. Vzorec, na katerem temelji naš razikovali del, sestavlja populacija, ki prihaja iz različnih delov bivše Jugoslavije. Glede na zakonodajno osnovo izbranih držav bivše Jugoslavije smo v teoretičnem delu opredelili posebne potrebe in podrobno opisali vsako njihovo skupino. V nadaljevanju smo opisali prehod iz medicinskega modela na socialni in opredelili pojem integracija in inkluzija. V nadaljevanju smo se dotaknili vzgoje in izobraževanja otrok s posebnimi potrebami. Na koncu smo razložili pojem stališč. Empirični del je temeljil na deskriptivi in kavzalno-neeksperimentalni metodi pedagoškega raziskovanja. Raziskavo smo izvedli na vzorcu različnih strokovnih profilov v izbranih področjih bivše Jugoslavije, in sicer Slovenije, Bosne in Hercegovine, Hrvaške, Srbije in Črne gore. V raziskavi je sodelovalo 296 oseb, ki so odgovarjali na zaprta vprašanja, posredovana v obliki ankete. Socidemografska značilnost »mesto bivanja« je dodana v hipotezo. Preučavali smo vpliv različnih socidemografskih značilnosti na oblikovanje stališča do oseb s posebnimi potrebami glede na spol, starost, stopnjo dosežene izobrazbe, mesto in kraj bivanja. Rezultati so pokazali, da anketirane osebe, ki prihajajo iz določenih področjih bivše Jugoslavije, imajo pozitivno stališče do oseb s posebnimi potrebami. V raziskovalnem delu nismo ugotovili statistično pomembnih razlik med udeleženci glede starosti in države bivanja. Statistično pomembne razlike smo ugotovili pri naslednjih socidemografskih značilnosti, in sicer med spoloma in mestom bivanja. Moške osebe so pokazale večje strinjanje s stališčih kot ženske. Statistično pomembne razlike so se pojavile tudi glede osebne izkušnje. Osebe, ki so imele manj izkušenj, so se bolj strinjale s stališči. Anketirane osebe so izpostavile, da se najmanj strinjajo s trditvami, kot so: »Izogibam se očesnemu stiku z osebo s posebnimi potrebami« in »Osebe s posebnimi potrebami so nesposobni in nekoristni člani družbe«. Spoznanja: »Osebe s posebnimi potrebami imajo enake potrebe po ljubezni, sprejetosti, delu in učenju kot osebe brez njih«, »Družba je dolžna, da prilagodi okolje osebam s posebnimi potrebami (dostopnost, mobilnost, prilagoditve …)« in »Prostovoljno delo in sodelovanje v humanitarnih akcijah pripomore k večjemu ozaveščanju in razumevanju oseb s posebnimi potrebami« so trditve, s katerimi so se anketirane osebe najbolj strinjale.

Keywords:posebne potrebe
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139214 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:118384899 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2022
BEGIĆ, Emina, 2022, Stališča do oseb s posebnimi potrebami v izbranih področjih bivše Jugoslavije [online]. Master’s thesis. [Accessed 26 March 2025]. Retrieved from:
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Secondary language

Title:Attitudes towards people with disabilities in selected areas of the former Yugoslavia
In the past, people had a negative and intolerant attitude towards people with special needs. This affected their lives and made it impossible for them to integrate into the surroundings. The main purpose of the master's thesis was to investigate the influence of various socio - demographic characteristics on the formation of attitudes towards people with special needs in the selected areas of former Yugoslavia. In the theoretical part, we first defined the term Yugoslavia with the help of literature. The sample on which our researched part is based consists of the population coming from different parts of the former Yugoslavia. According to the legislative basis of the selected countries of the former Yugoslavia, we defined special needs in the theoretical part and described each of the groups in detail. In the following, we described the transition from the medical model to the social one and defined the concept of integration and inclusion. In the following, we touched on the upbringing and education of children with special needs. Finally, we explained the concept of attitudes. The empirical part was based on a descriptive and causal-non-experimental method of pedagogical research. The research was conducted on a sample of different professional profiles in the selected areas of former Yugoslavia, namely Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia and Montenegro. The survey involved 296 people who answered closed-ended questions submitted in the form of a survey. The socio-demographic characteristic of “place of residence” is added to the hypothesis. We studied the influence of different socio-demographic characteristics on the formation of attitudes towards people with special needs according to gender, age, level of education, place and place of residence. The results showed that the respondents who come from certain areas of the former Yugoslavia have a positive attitude towards people with special needs. In the research work, we did not find statistically significant differences between participants in terms of age and country of residence. Statistically significant differences were found in the following socio-demographic characteristics, namely between gender and place of residence. Men showed greater agreement with the views than women. Statistically significant differences also emerged regarding personal experience. People with less experience were more likely to agree. Respondents pointed out that they least agree with statements such as: "I avoid eye contact with a person with special needs" and "People with special needs are incompetent and useless members of society." Findings: "People with special needs have the same needs for love, acceptance, work and learning as people without them", "Society has a duty to adapt the environment to people with special needs (accessibility, mobility, adaptation…)" and "Volunteering and participation in humanitarian actions contributes to greater awareness and understanding of people with special needs” are the statements with which the respondents most agreed.

Keywords:special needs

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