
Analiza mnenj vzgojiteljev o pomenu izvajanja različnih športnih zvrsti v vrtcu
ID Puntar, Špela (Author), ID Gregorc, Jera (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

URLURL - Presentation file, Visit http://pefprints.pef.uni-lj.si/7311/ This link opens in a new window

Namen diplomskega dela je bil ugotoviti, na kakšen način različne športne zvrsti vplivajo na otrokovo počutje in njegov celostni razvoj, analizirati raziskave o vplivu epidemije Covid-19 na zdravje in počutje predšolskih otrok ter vzgojiteljev, na podlagi izsledkov ugotoviti, na kakšen način so se vzgojitelji soočili z novimi izzivi in predlagati najučinkovitejše načine soočanja z ugotovljenim stanjem. V ta namen smo najprej predstavili različne gibalne dejavnosti za predšolske otroke in preko dosedanjih raziskav zbrali ter predstavili vpliv na izbrane vidike zdravja in dobrega počutja. V nadaljevanju smo analizirali raziskave o vplivu epidemije Covid-19 na zdravje in počutje predšolskih otrok in vzgojiteljev. Na podlagi ugotovitev smo z anketnim vprašalnikom ugotavljali mnenja vzgojiteljev o pomenu različnih zvrsti športa kot odgovora na stanje po dveh letih epidemije Covid-19. V raziskavo smo zajeli 129 vzgojiteljev in vzgojiteljic. Anketni vprašalnik je bil sestavljen iz dveh sklopov vprašanj, ki so bila pol odprtega tipa. Vprašanja prvega sklopa so bila vezana na demografske značilnosti, drugega sklopa pa na nekatere vidike anksioznega in stresnega vedenja ter vpliv izbranih športnih zvrsti na izboljšanje teh stanj. Pridobljene podatke smo uredili v programu Microsoft Excel in jih predstavili s pomočjo grafičnih prikazov. Z analizo anketnega vprašalnika smo ugotovili, da pri soočanju z anksioznim in stresnim vedenjem, tako otrokom kot vzgojiteljem pomaga ukvarjanje z različnimi športnimi zvrstmi. Vzgojitelji menijo, da tako njim kot otrokom pri soočanju s stresom pomagajo zelo različne zvrsti: ples, joga, tek, borilne veščine, nogomet, košarka, plezanje, plavanje, gimnastika, atletika, jahanje, smučanje, sankanje in badminton. Pri vzgojiteljih in otrocih se anksiozno in stresno vedenje najbolj kaže v skupnih pokazateljih, in sicer kot telesna bolečina, težave s spanjem, težave z zbranostjo, negotovost ter iskanje podpore in potrditve, razdraženost, okrnjena domišljija/ težave pri razmišljanju in nemirnost.

Keywords:predšolski otroci
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:PEF - Faculty of Education
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139210 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:118313987 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:07.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of preschool teachers' opinions on the importance of different sports in kindergarten
The purpose of this dissertation was to determine how various sport disciplines influence children's well-being and overall development, and to analyze different findings about effects the Covid-19 epidemic had on the health and well-being of preschool children and their teachers. Our goal was to define strategies preschool teachers implemented while facing challenges presented by the epidemic, and to propose the most effective ways of coping in that situation. In this dissertation, we first introduce various sport activities for preschool children. For this purpose, we have gathered different data about the effects these sport activities have on preschool children's health and well-being. We then analyzed findings from other researches about the effects of Covid 19on the health and well-being of the preschool children and their educators. We conducted a survey among different preschool educators in order to establish their opinions on the importance of implementing different sport activities for the purpose of minimizing the effects of Covid-19on the welfare of preschool children. The research involved 129 preschool teachers and consisted of two series of semi-open questions. The first series of questions was based on gathering the demographic data while the second series dealt with different aspects of anxiety and stress-driven behaviour as well aswith the effects various sports have on improving that sort of behaviour.The obtained data was graphically presented in a Microsoft Excel document. We established that engaging in different physical activities helps both educators and children to cope better when facing anxiety and stress driven behaviours. According to the survey, dancing, yoga, running, martial arts, football, basketball, rock climbing, swimming, gymnastics, athletics, horse-riding, skiing, sleighing and playing badminton have proven to be the most beneficial and affective for improving the overall well-being of educators and children.We also find that preschool children and educators share common indicators of anxiety and stress-driven behaviour: experiencing physical pain, having trouble sleeping or thinking, low concentration and focus, insecurity, seeking support and confirmation in others, irritation, stunted imagination and restlessness.

Keywords:preschool children

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