The diploma thesis consists of theoretical and empirical part. In the theoretical part, I first briefly defined preschool education. In a separate chapter, I also specifically defined punishment, its causes and objectives. Later on I divided the punishment into mental, physical and other forms of punishment. In the next chapter, I explored the position of the child in our recent past and today. I was figuring out how children were punished in the past and how they are today. To explain why the situation of children today is different than in the past, I have dedicated a few words to the Convention on the Rights of the Child and other laws, which are undoubtedly the reason for the main improvement in the social situation of children today. I found out that punishment is closely related to education, so I described all three educational styles and explored the presence of punishment within them. I devoted the last chapter entirely to the role of the preschool teacher in the kindergarten, where I described how the educator successfully takes educational action and in what way and when he can use punishment. The empirical part includes a partially structured interview with six graduate preschool teachers. I interpreted the results of the interview according to the research questions. I was interested in how well preschool teachers know the means of prevention, how to define punishment and how often they use this means of education. In conclusion I was also interested in what punishment actually looks like in practice, and if, according to the preschool teachers, anything has changed.