In my master thesis I describe the making of a didactical gadget 3-D model of brighter stars that can be used for teaching physics or astronomy. In the first part I explain the basic concepts that I talk about in the rest of this master thesis. These are proper motions of stars, brief description of Milky Way Galaxy, description of Andromeda constellation and stars that are found in this constellation. I also dedicate a few words to the story from Greek mythology from which allegedly originate names of the main constellation and some neighbouring constellations. In the second part I focus on the construction of my model. Hence a model such like this one to my knowledge hasn’t yet been made all my work is mainly based on planning and during construction try to find problems that a person can encounter and efficient ways to overcome them. Goal is to find an affordable and efficient way to construct such a model, find as many traps during construction and ways to bypass them. In the last part I test the main hypothesis of my master thesis by analysing proper motion of stars.