
Vpliv lokalne vibracije podplatov na statično ravnotežje : diplomsko delo
ID Grubič, Larisa (Author), ID Rugelj, Darja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Weber, Daša (Comentor), ID Puh, Urška (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Nadzor in uravnavanje ravnotežja je zelo pomemben dejavnik za normalno gibanje in dejavnosti vsakodnevnega življenja. Vibracija je občutek, ki ga povzroči sinusoidno nihanje predmetov na koži. Ločimo med lokalno vibracijo in vibracijo celega telesa. Lokalna vibracija predstavlja inovativno tehniko za izboljšanje ravnotežja, zlasti pri osebah z različnimi nevrološkimi stanji, njeni učinki pa so na zdravi populaciji še dokaj neraziskani. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil na vzorcu mladih odraslih proučiti vpliv lokalne vibracije podplatov na statično ravnotežje. Metode dela: V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 30 študentov fizioterapije v starosti med 20 in 27 let. Testirali smo mirno stojo s stopali skupaj na pritiskovni plošči z odprtimi in zaprtimi očmi in klinični test stoje na eni nogi na mehki podlagi z zaprtimi očmi. Nato smo opravili lokalno vibracijsko terapijo podplatov z napravo Hypervolt (frekvenca 30 Hz, amplituda 12 mm). Vibracije smo zaporedno na vsak podplat dovajali v sedečem položaju po pet minut. Po vibracijski terapiji smo zopet opravili meritve statičnega ravnotežja in rezultate obeh meritev primerjali med sabo. Analizirali smo štiri parametre gibanja središčnega pritiska: hitrost gibanja središčnega pritiska, pot, ki jo opravi središče v mediolateralni in anteroposteriorni smeri ter ploščino, izračunano z metodo lastnih vrednosti kovariančne matrike. Za primerjavo rezultatov gibanja središčnega pritiska in kliničnega testa stoje na eni nogi pred in po vibracijski terapiji smo uporabili parni T-test. Rezultati: Ena spremenljivka (pot v anteroposteriorni smeri) je bila pomembno manjša po vibraciji pri odprtih in zaprtih očeh in stopalih skupaj. Pri meritvah z zaprtimi očmi in stopali skupaj je bila pomembna razlika tudi pri ploščini, le ta se je po vibracijski terapiji povečala. Ostale spremenljivke niso pokazale pomembnih razlik med meritvami pred in po vibracijski terapiji. Tudi meritve testa stoje na eni nogi na mehki podlagi z zaprtimi očmi niso pokazale razlike pred in po vibraciji. Razprava in zaključek: Glede na dobljene rezultate lahko zaključimo, da se po lokalni vibraciji podplatov pri mladih odraslih nakazuje zelo blag učinek na statično ravnotežje, vendar ni pomembnega izboljšanja ravnotežja.

Keywords:diplomska dela, fizioterapija, ravnotežje, lokalna vibracija, stabilometrija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[L. Grubič]
Number of pages:22 str., [4] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139169 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:119829507 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:01.09.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Effects of plantar focal vibration on static balance : diploma work
Introduction: Balance and postural control are very important factors for normal movement and daily activities. Vibration is a feeling caused by sinusoidal oscillation of objects on the skin. We distunguish between two types of vibration: focal vibration and whole-body vibration. Focal vibration is an innovative technique for balance improvement, especially in various neurological patients. Its effects on a healthy population are still relatively unexplored. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis was to research effects of focal plantar vibration on static balance in a sample of young adults. Methods: A group of 30 physiotherapy students, aged between 20 and 27, participated in the research. Their static balance was tested by standing still on a pressure plate with feet close together and by clinical one-leg standing test on a soft surface with the eyes closed. We then performed local vibration therapy on the plantar side of the foot with Hypervolt device (frequency 30 Hz, amplitude 12 mm). Vibrations were applied sequentially to each sole of the foot in a sitting position for five minutes. After vibration therapy, static balance measurements were performed again and the results of both measurements were compared with each other. We analyzed four parameters of the central pressure movement: the velocity od the central pressure movement, the path, taken by the center in the mediolateral and anteroposterior direction, and the area, calculated by the method of the last values of the covariance matrix. Paired T-test was used to compare the results of central pressure movement and the clinical one-leg standing test before and after vibration therapy. Results: One variable (path in anteroposterior direction) was significantly lower after vibration with open as well as closed eyes and feet together. In the measurements with eyes closed and feet together, there was also a significant difference in the ares, which increased after vibration therapy. Other variables didn't show significant differences between measurements before and after vibration therapy. Measurements of the one-leg test on the soft surface with eyes closed also showed no difference before and after vibration. Discussion and conclusion: Based on obtained results, we can conclude, that after focal plantar vibration in young adults, a very mild effect on static balance is indicated, but there is no significant improvement in balance.

Keywords:diploma theses, physiotherapy, balance, focal vibration, stabilometry

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