
Sistem za analizo gibanja igralcev v tenisu
ID DOLENC, ANŽE (Author), ID Umek, Anton (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomski nalogi je opisana tehnologija v tenisu, razvoj lastnega sistema za določanje položaja dveh igralcev na teniškem igrišču, strojna in programska oprema sistema in pa tudi meritve natančnosti sistema in analiza meritev. Cilj diplomske naloge je opisati razvoj sistema za določanje položaja dveh teniških igralcev ob udarcu teniške žogice. S pridobljenimi podatki iz sistema si tenisači lahko pomagajo pri izboljšavi gibanja in analizi teniške igre. V uvodu so opisane aktualne tehnologije v tenisu in razlog za izdelavo svojega sistema. Sledi načrt sistema, v katerem je delovanje izdelanega sistema na kratko opisano. Diplomska naloga se nadaljuje z opisom izbrane strojne opreme, tehnologije UWB, programskih orodij in programske kode. Za določanje položaja je uporabljen Pozyx creator kit, ki za pozicioniranje uporablja tehnologijo UWB. Za zaznavo udarca teniške žogice sem uporabil senzorsko napravo, ki je bila razvita v Laboratoriju za informacijske tehnologije. V senzorski napravi so vgrajeni senzorji IMU, na podlagi katerih deluje zaznava udarca žogice. Uporabljeni programski orodji sta Arduino IDE in LabView. Za sprejem, obdelavo in shranjevanje podatkov sem izdelal LabView namizno aplikacijo. Na koncu so predstavljene še meritve sistema in primerjava natančnosti pozicioniranja, kjer je za referenčni sistem uporabljen profesionalni sistem Qualisys. Sledi še analiza meritev in zaključek, kjer povem kaj, sem se naučil, kje so možne izboljšave sistema in prihodnost tehnologije UWB.

Keywords:Tenis, UWB, Pozyx, IMU, Arduino IDE, LabView, Qualisys, Pozicioniranje
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139149 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:120003843 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:31.08.2022
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Secondary language

Title:A system for analyzing the movement of tennis players
The diploma thesis describes the technology in tennis, the development of its own system for determining the position of two players on the tennis court, the hardware and software of the system, as well as the accuracy measurements of the system and the analysis of the measurements. The aim of the thesis is to describe the development of a system for determining the position of two tennis players when the tennis ball is hit. With the data obtained from the system, tennis players can help themselves in improving their movement and analysing their tennis game. The introduction describes the current technologies in tennis and the reason for creating your system. The system plan follows, in which the operation of the developed system is briefly described. The thesis continues by describing the selected hardware, UWB technology, software tools and code. The Pozyx creator kit is used to determine the position, which uses UWB technology for positioning. To detect the impact of a tennis ball, I used a sensor system developed in the Laboratory of Information Technologies. IMU sensors are built into the sensor system, on the basis of which the detection of the ball’s impact works. The software tools used are Arduino IDE and LabView. I created a LabView desktop application for receiving, processing and storing data. Finally, system measurements and a comparison of positioning accuracy are presented, where the professional Qualisys system is used as the reference system. This is followed by an analysis of the measurements and a conclusion, where I tell what I learned, where the system can be improved and the future of UWB technology.

Keywords:Tennis, UWB, Pozyx, IMU, Arduino IDE, LabView, Qualisys, Positioning

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