
Emulator in servisna aplikacija za programirljivi logični krmilnik
ID HICTALER, ALEKSANDER (Author), ID Trost, Andrej (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Diplomsko delo obravnava poenostavitev postopkov izdelave potniških stopnic s programirljivim logičnim krmilnikom. Izdelali smo emulator, na katerega priključimo skoraj vse potrebne periferne enote za lažje razvijanje in takojšnje testiranje programske kode. Emulator vsebuje razširitvene kartice z dovolj vhodi in izhodi, da lahko zajamemo tudi največje enote, ki jih izdeluje podjetje Tips d.o.o. Delovanje emulatorja smo preizkusili s testnim programom. Razvili smo programski del za diagnostično orodje Trackunit, ki je z vodilom CAN povezano na krmilnik. Po vodilu prenašamo podatke pomembne za oddelek razvoja in tudi za končnega uporabnika. Podatke prikazujemo v spletnem vmesniku. Izdelali smo servisno aplikacijo za upravljanje na daljavo, ki olajša testiranje vozil izdelanih v podjetju. Delavec najbolje opazuje delovanje, če stoji zraven komponente, ki jo testira in upravlja, kar doslej ni bilo izvedljivo zaradi položajev komandnih pultov. Servisna aplikacija je napisana v jeziku Java v orodju Android Studio. Podatki se prenašajo po brezžični povezavi Bluetooth med krmilnikom ESP32 in mobilnim telefonom. Za branje in pisanje na vodilo CAN smo uporabili modul mcp2515. Z mobilnim telefonom lahko upravljamo potniške stopnice. Testiranje je potekalo na emulatorju, ki je bil v podjetju razvit v ta namen.

Keywords:programirljivi logični krmilnik, emulator perifernih enot, servisna aplikacija
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FE - Faculty of Electrical Engineering
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139048 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:119774211 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.08.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Emulator and service application for programmable logic controller
This paper analyses the simplification of the manufacturing process of airstairs with programmable logical controller. We created the emulator on which we connected all needed peripheral units for easier development and immediate testing of software. Emulator contains extension cards with enough inputs and outputs so we can test even the biggest units created by Tips d.o.o. company. We checked the emulator efficiency with the testing software. We developed programming part of diagnostic tool Trackunit, which is connected with CAN communication to the controller. Through communication we transfer the data which is important for development department and final user. We show the data on a web interface. We created a maintenance app for remote maintenance, which simplifies testing the vehicles that are manufactured by company. A worker is observing the operation most efficiently if they stand next to the component they are testing and managing, which was not possible up until now because the position of control panels. Diagnostic app is developed in Java language in Android Studio. The data is transferred via Bluetooth between ESP32 controller and a mobile phone. For reading and broadcasting on CAN communication we used mcp2515 module. Now we can manage the airstairs with a mobile phone. Testing was conducted on the simulator, which was developed at the company especially for this purpose.

Keywords:Programmable logic controller, emulator of peripheral units, mobile aplication

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