
Ultrasound-assisted extraction of bioactive compounds from algae Pelvetia canaliculata from the Atlantic Ocean into sunflower oil
ID Trifunovska, Marija (Author), ID Vidrih, Rajko (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Ferreira-Dias, Suzana (Comentor)

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The aim of this master thesis was to test antioxidants from algae Pelvetia canaliculata L. that might offer healthier alternative to synthetic antioxidants. In this study, lyophilized P. canaliculata L. from the Portuguese coast was added directly to the antioxidant free sunflower oil. Ultrasound Assisted Extraction for extracting bioactive compounds from the algae into the oil included the following optimization parameters: algae concentration and mass and extraction time. After extraction, the following parameters were analysed in the oils: oxidation products, acidity, colour and determination of chromatic characteristics (chromatic coordinates (x,y), transparency, dominant wavelength and purity), chlorophyll pigments, carotenoids, flavonoids, total phenolic content, antioxidant activity by DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) and FRAP (Ferric Reducing Antioxidant Power) assays, and sensory analysis. Bioactive pigments were successfully extracted from P. canaliculata into the sunflower oil, which consequently increased oil’s antioxidant activity. The chlorophyll and carotenoid content in the supplemented sunflower oils increased as much as 330 and 8-times, respectively. However, the flavonoid and phenolic extractions were limited, with extraction yields up to only 9.40% and 3.10%, respectively. The addition of P. canaliculata did not affect the chemical quality parameters (acidity and oxidation products) of the oil, however it affected the physical and sensory characteristics (colour, smell). In this study, we confirmed that such oils can be beneficial for the food industry, as they have an increased shelf life due to the extracted natural compounds, which also present some health benefits.

Keywords:algae, antioxidants, bioactive compounds, antioxidant activity, Pelvetia canaliculata L., response surface methodology, sunflower oil, ultrasound-assisted extraction
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[M. Trifunovska]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139041 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:119453955 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.08.2022
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Title:Ultrazvočna ekstrakcija bioaktivnih snovi iz alg vrste Pelvetia canaliculata iz Atlantskega oceana v sončnično olje
Namen magistrskega dela je bil preveriti učinkovitost antioksidantov iz alge Pelvetia canaliculata L., ki lahko predstvaljajo bolj zdravo alternativo sintetičnim antioksidantom, ki imajo lahko negativne učinke na zdravje. V tej študiji smo liofilizirane alge P. canaliculata s portugalske obale dodali neposredno sončničnemu olju, ki ni vsebovalo antioksidantov. Optimizirali smo dva parametra ultrazvočne ekstrakcije za ekstrakcijo bioaktivnih spojin iz alg v olje, in sicer koncentracijo (maso) alg in trajanje ekstrakcije. Po ekstrakciji smo v oljih analizirali naslednje parametre: oksidacijske produkte, kislost, barvo in značilnosti barve (kromatske koordinate (x,y), motnost, prevladujoča valovna dolžina in čistost), vsebnost klorofila, karotenoidov, flavonoidov, skupne fenole, antioksidantivno učinkovitost, določeno z DPPH (2,2-difenil-1-pikrilhidrazil) in FRAP (železo-reducirajoča antioksidativna učinkovitost) ter opravili senzorično analizo. Bioaktivni pigmenti so bili uspešno ekstrahirani iz alg v sončnično olje, kar je posledično povečalo antioksidativno učinkovitost olja. Vsebnost klorofila in karotenoidov se je po ekstrakciji alg v olju povečala za 330-krat oziroma 8-krat. Ekstrakcija flavonoidov in fenolov je bila majhna, 9,40 % oziroma 3,10 %. Dodatek P. canaliculata olju ne vpliva na kemijske parametre in kakovost olja (kislost, oksidacijski produkti), vendar vpliva na fizikalne in senzorične parametre (barva, vonj). Potrdili smo, da so takšna olja lahko koristna za živilsko industrijo, saj imajo podaljšan rok trajanja in imajo lahko zaradi ekstrahiranih naravnih spojin tudi nekatere koristi za zdravje.

Keywords:alge, antioksidanti, bioaktivne komponente, antioksidativna učinkovitost, Pelvetia canaliculata L., metoda odzivne površine, sončnično olje, ultrazvočna ekstrakcija

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