
Vpliv napake medosne razdalje na življenjsko dobo polimernih zobnikov
ID Štiglic, Jan (Author), ID Zorko, Damijan (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vukašinović, Nikola (Comentor)

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Napaka montaže zobnikov predstavlja pomemben doprinos k predčasni odpovedi gonila. V sklopu magistrske naloge smo obravnavali vpliv napake medosne razdalje na življenjsko dobo polimernih zobnikov. Uporabili smo ravnozobe valjaste zobnike z evolventnim profilom ozobja. Glavni poudarek pri raziskovanju vpliva napake medosne razdalje je bil vpliv na napetostno stanje zobnika. Napetosti so bile za teoretično idealno medosno razdaljo določene analitično po standardu DIN 3990 in priporočilu VDI2736 ter numerično po metodi končnih elementov. Napetosti so bile nato numerično določene še za primere, ko v sistem vnesemo napako medosja. Ugotovili smo, da z večanjem medosne razdalje zaradi zmanjšanja profilne stopnje prekritja rastejo napetosti v korenu zoba. Vpliv napake medosne razdalje smo okarakterizirali tudi na mehanskem preizkuševališču. Izvedli smo več testov za kombinacijo zobnikov jeklo/PA6, na dveh obremenitvenih nivojih ter pri različnih medosnih razdaljah. Merili smo čas do porušitve ter temperaturo zobnikov v ustaljenem stanju. Izkazalo se je, da povečanje medosne razdalje ne vpliva bistveno na obratovalno temperaturo zobnikov, lahko pa zmanjša število ciklov do porušitve.

Keywords:polimerni zobniki, napaka medosne razdalje, napetostno stanje, VDI 2736, metoda končnih elementov, mehansko preizkuševališče
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FS - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[J. Štiglic]
Number of pages:XXVI, 78 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-139015 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:119783939 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:29.08.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The effect of centre distance error on the service life of polymer gears
Gear assembly errors are an important contributor to premature gearbox failure. As part of the master's thesis, we will discuss the impact of centre distance deviation on the service life of polymer gears. Spur gears with involute gear profile type were investigated. The main focus in studying the effect of centre distance error was the influence on the stress state of the gear. For the ideal centre distance, the stress was determined analytically according to the DIN 3990 standard and the VDI2736 guideline and numerically by employing the finite element method. The stress was also numerically analysed for cases with a centre distance error. It has been found that by increasing the centre distance, due to the reduction in the contact ratio, tooth root stress will increase. The effect of centre distance error was also characterized with mechanical tests. Several tests were performed for the steel/PA6 gear combination, at two load levels and at different centre distances. We measured the time to failure and the temperature of the gears in the steady state. It has been shown that increasing the centre distance does not significantly affect the temperature of the gears, however it can reduce the number of cycles to failure.

Keywords:polymer gears, centre distance error, stress state, VDI 2736, finite element method, mechanical testing

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