
Prikrita delovna razmerja : diplomsko delo
ID Justin, Andraž (Author), ID Kresal, Barbara (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V svojem diplomskem delu sem raziskoval prikrita delovna razmerja. V raziskovalnem delu diplomske naloge me je zanimalo kakšen je pogled države, v mojem primeru je bil to pogled inšpekcije dela in kakšen je pogled sindikatov na prikrita delovna razmerja. Kakšne so njihove izkušnje z delodajalci, njihovo medsebojno sodelovanje, njihove izkušnje s sodiščem, ter kakšne bi bile možne rešitve, da bi zmanjšali število prikritih delovnih razmerij v prihodnje. V teoretičnem delu sem opredelil delovno razmerje. Nato sem opredelil prikrito delovno razmerje, kjer sem dal poudarek na definiranju prikritega delovnega razmerja in pravicah delavca. Opisal sem značilnosti pogodbenih razmerij in se na koncu posvetil še sodni praksi na področju prikritih delovnih razmerij, kjer sem se osredotočil predvsem na inšpekcijo dela. V empiričnem delu sem predstavil pridobljene rezultate. Moja raziskava je bila kvalitativna, izvedena na neslučajnostnem, priročnem vzorcu. V njem sta sodelovala 2 predstavnika sindikata, inšpektor dela in odgovor Inšpektorata za delo. Ugotovil sem, da bi se prikrita delovna razmerja uspešno začelo reševati, ko bo imela država interes, da se to uredi. Potrebno bi bilo povečati število inšpektorjev za delo, saj jih je trenutno veliko premalo. Delavce bi bilo potrebno preko javnih objav, plakatov, medijev itd. ozaveščati o njihovih pravicah in jih spodbujati, da se pridružijo sindikatom ali drugim organizacijam, ki se ukvarjajo s prekarstvom. Pri sindikatih imamo težavo, da ne sledijo toku časa in se ne prilagajajo trenutni situaciji, je pa reševanje posameznega primera odvisno od angažiranosti sindikalista. Delavci se bojijo prijaviti prikrito delovno razmerje, ker so ustrahovani, se bojijo neuspeha, so stroški pred sodiščem previsoki in samo reševanje primera traja predolgo. Vsi intervjuvanci poudarjajo, da je dokazovanje prikritih delovnih razmerij težko, ker je potrebnih preveč nepotrebnih postopkov in so v zakonodaji pomanjkljivosti, ki bi jih bilo potrebno odpraviti.

Keywords:prikrita delovna razmerja, sindikati, inšpekcija, zakonodaja, delavci, možne rešitve
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Justin]
Number of pages:90 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138959 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:141275651 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:26.08.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Disguised employment relationships
In my dissertation, I researched disguised employment relationships. In the research part of my dissertation, I was interested in the state's view, in my case it was the labor inspectorate's view, and the trade unions' view of disguised employment relationships. What is their experience with employers, their mutual cooperation, their experience with the court, and what would be possible solutions to reduce the number of hidden employment relationships in the future. In the theoretical part, I defined the employment relationship. Then I defined a disguised employment relationship, where I emphasized the definition of a disguised employment relationship and employee rights. I described the characteristics of contractual relationships and finally focused on the case law in the field of disguised employment relationships, where I focused mainly on labor inspection. In the empirical part I presented the obtained results. My research was qualitative, conducted on a non-random, handy sample. It was attended by two representatives of the union, the labor inspector and the response of the Labor Inspectorate. I have found that disguised employment relationships would be successfully resolved once the state has an interest in settling this. The number of labor inspectors should be increased, as there are currently far too few. Workers would be needed through public announcements, posters, media, etc. raise awareness of their rights and encourage them to join trade unions or other precarious organizations. We have a problem with trade unions that they do not follow the flow of time and do not adapt to the current situation, but the resolution of an individual case depends on the involvement of the trade unionist. Workers are afraid to report a disguised employment relationship because they are intimidated, they are afraid of failure, the costs in court are too high and the resolution of the case itself takes too long. All interviewees point out that proving disguised employment relationships is difficult because too many unnecessary procedures are needed and there are shortcomings in the legislation that need to be addressed.

Keywords:disguised employment relationships, trade unions, inspection, legislation, workers, possible solutions

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