
Določanje velikosti kapljic trokanalne šobe z lasersko difrakcijo
ID Krnc, Matej (Author), ID Podgornik, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V farmacevtski industriji je oblaganje pogosto uporabljena procesna tehnika, s katero se na površino dozirne oblike kot prevleka nanese zunanja plast materiala. S tem se izboljšajo lastnosti izdelka, ki omogočajo na primer lažje zaužitje tablet, izboljšajo stabilnost izdelka, spremenijo lastnosti sproščanja aktivne učinkovine. Glede na način nanašanja obloge ločimo različne procese oblaganja, v tem delu obravnavamo način oblaganja z razprševanjem (ang. Spraying). Za zagotavljanje stabilnega procesa in ponovljivih lastnosti končnega izdelka, v tem primeru obloge, je potrebno ovrednotiti in upoštevati vpliv številnih parametrov, kot so način razprševanja, hitrost pršenja, temperatura razpršenega sredstva in oblaganca, oddaljenost razpršilne šobe od oblaganca ipd. V tem delu smo se osredotočili na razvoj in proučevanje analitske metode za merjenje porazdelitve velikosti kapljic, ki se formirajo v procesu oblaganja pri pretoku sredstva za oblaganje skozi trokanalno šobo Huettlin, ki je namenjena oblaganju pelet na laboratorijskem in industrijskem nivoju. Velikost tvorjenih kapljic je ocenjena kot parameter, ki ima velik vpliv na tvorbo obloge. Meritve porazdelitve velikosti kapljic smo izvedli z analitsko metodo, ki temelji na principu sipanja monokromatske svetlobe. Pri optimizaciji procesa smo uporabili statistične metode, s pomočjo katerih smo optimizirali število potrebnih analiz za primerjavo in vrednotenje rezultatov. Pristop načrtovanja eksperimentov (DoE) omogoča preučevanje več parametrov hkrati ter prinaša boljše rezultate v primerjavi s sočasnim spreminjanjem enega faktorja (COST analiza). Določeni so bili optimalni parametri metode in nastavitve inštrumenta, ki omogočajo izvajanje meritev v kombinaciji z različnimi šobami in tekočimi disperzijami. V okviru tega dela smo izvedli eksperimente z devetimi tekočinami različnih reoloških lastnosti. Določeni parametri se tekom celotnega poskusa niso spreminjali (oddaljenost vzorca od laserja, odmik detektorja, horizontalna postavitev šobe, odstotek dodanega smukca). Med proučevane parametre smo vključili pretok disperzije, tlak atomizacije (Pa), tlak mikroklime (Pm), izbran polimer ter količino dodanega polimera. Uporabljeni parametri za izvajanje eksperimentov so tipični za oblaganje pelet, v preučevanje so vključeni polimeri hidroksipropilmetilceluloza (HPMC), Eudragit® S in etilceluloza (EC N10) v različnih masnih deležih. V večini primerov povišanje pretoka disperzije povzroči povečevanje velikosti kapljic. Trend zmanjševanja velikosti kapljic opazimo ob povečevanju zračnih pretokov tlaka atomizacije (Pa) ter tlaka mikroklime (Pm). Ugotovitve lahko s konturnimi diagrami in drugim setom eksperimentov še nadgradimo. Ugotovitve so uporabne za optimizacijo procesa ter prenos procesa iz laboratorija v proizvodnjo.

Keywords:trokanalna šoba, načrtovanje eksperimentov, laserska difrakcija, velikost kapljic, določitev metode
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FKKT - Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138882 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:120668419 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Measurement of three-fluid nozzle droplet size by laser diffraction
Coating is often used as a process technique in pharmaceutical industry, by which the outer layer of the material is applied to the surface of the dosage form as a coat. This improves the characteristics of the final product, enabling, for example, easier ingestion of tablets, improved stability of the product, modified release properties of the active substance. Different processes of coating are distinguished based on the coating application. In the presented work spraying is taken into consideration. To ensure a stable process and reproducible properties of the final product, in this case the coating, it is necessary to evaluate the impact of numerous process parameters such as the method of spraying, the spray speed, the temperature of the sprayed agent and the coated core, the spray nozzle parameters etc. This work is focused on the development and application of analytical method for measuring the droplet sizes distribution, as formed in the spraying process. The spray formation is studied on the Huettlin three-channel nozzle, that is used for the pellets coating process on laboratory and industrial level. The size of the droplets in the formed spray is estimated as a parameter, which has a major impact on the formation and properties of final coating. Measurements of the droplet size distribution were performed using an optimized laser diffraction method. Furthermore, we used statistical tools to optimize the number of analyzes needed to compare and evaluate the results. The experimental design (DoE) approach allows you to study multiple parameters while delivering better results compared to changing only one separate factor at a time (COST). The parameters of the method and the instrument settings were optimized to enable reliable measurements using combinations of different nozzles and liquid dispersions. As part of this work, we conducted experiments with nine liquids of different rheological properties. Certain parameters were fixed during the entire set of experiments (sample to laser distance, sample to detector distance, horizontal nozzle position, percentage of talc added). Among the investigated parameters the following were included: dispersion flow rate, atomization pressure, microclimate pressure, polymer type and the amount of polymer added to the dispersion. Typical parameters for pellet coating were used to perform the experiments. The presented study includes polymers of hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC), Eudragit® S and Ethylcellulose (EC N10) in different mass fractions. In most cases, increasing the dispersion flow results in an increase of droplet size. The trend of decreasing droplet size distribution is observed when increasing air flow rates of atomization pressure (Pa) and microclimate pressure (Pm). All the conclusions can be further investigated with the experimental set upgrade and used as useful input for process optimization and process transfer from laboratory to production scale.

Keywords:three-fluid nozzle, design of experiments, dropled size, laser diffraction, method development

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