
Motnje hranjenja pri osebah s težavami v odraščanju, ki so doživele travmo ali zlorabo : diplomsko delo
ID Predalič, Ajda (Author), ID Leskošek, Vesna (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu sem se osredotočila na raziskovanje motenj hranjenja oziroma na raziskovanje odnosa oseb s težavami v odraščanju, ki so doživele travmo ali zlorabo do prehranjevanja in hrane ter njihovo mnenje o sebi. V pregledu problematike sem se osredotočila na teme, kot so motnje hranjenja, travme ter nasilje in zlorabe. Zapisala sem nekaj na splošno o motnjah hranjenja, katere oblike poznamo, kateri so vzroki zanje, motnje hranjenja kot posledica nasilja ali zlorabe in programe, ki so na voljo osebam z motnjami hranjenja. Poleg tega sem navedla vrste in posledice travme v otroštvu, predstavila pa sem tudi nasilje in zlorabe, opredelila razliko med njima, oblike in posledica nasilja in zlorabe ter kako so otroci s težavami v odraščanju izpostavljeni vsem možnim oblikam nasilja in zlorabe. V diplomskem delu sem želela raziskati odnos posameznikov s težavami v odraščanju, ki so doživeli travmatičen dogodek oz. zlorabo v otroštvu ali kasneje v življenju, do hrane in hranjenja in njihovo mnenje o sebi ter ugotoviti vpliv institucije na odnos do prehranjevanja. V empiričnem delu sem nato predstavila ugotovitve, ki sem jih pridobila s spraševanjem po vprašanjih vodila za intervju. Vprašanja, ki sem jih zastavljala, so povezana z njihovim mnenjem o prehranjevanju, kakšno vlogo ima hrana zanje po njihovem mnenju, kako vidijo sebe in kako je travmatičen dogodek/dogodki oz. zloraba vplival na njihovo mnenje o sebi ter na prehranjevanje. Vzorec 8 uporabnikov, ki stanujejo v OE Dom Janeza Levca, je priložnostni, naredila pa sem tudi intervju s strokovno delavko, ki je zaposlena v OE Dom Janeza Levca. Ugotovila sem, da močna čustva oz. ti travmatični dogodki ali zlorabe, ki so jih uporabniki doživeli, precej vplivajo na spremembo prehranjevanja pri uporabnikih (večja in manjša potreba po hrani itd.), pri nekaterih pa so ti dogodki vplivali tudi na mnenje uporabnikov o sebi. Poleg tega okvirji institucije, na področju prehranjevanja, v veliki meri vplivajo na uporabnike, jih omejujejo. Zato se mi zdi ustvarjanje oz. omogočanje individualnosti, prilagojenosti vsakemu posamezniku znotraj institucije, izredno pomembno. Socialni delavci in drugi strokovni delavci lahko k temu pripomoremo s svojim delom, tako, da uporabnikom prisluhnemo ter upoštevamo njihove želje, potrebe in cilje. V pomoč so nam lahko razni koncepti in metode, npr. osebni načrt, analiza tveganja ipd. Rezultati raziskave so koristni zato, ker pripomorejo k razumevanju pogleda uporabnikov s težavami v odraščanju na prehranjevanje, osvetlijo njihov pogled na vlogo institucije pri prehranjevanju in hkrati opozarjajo na pomembnost tem, ki jim moramo pri delu z mladimi posvetiti večjo pozornost.

Keywords:motnje hranjenja, težave v odraščanju, travme, nasilje in zlorabe, institucija, doživljanje sebe, odnos do hrane, službe pomoči
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Predalič]
Number of pages:130 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138872 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:143260675 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Eating disorders in people with adolescent problems who have experienced trauma or abuse
In my thesis I focused on eating disorders, or rather on the attitudes of people with growing up problems who have experienced trauma or abuse towards eating and food, and how they feel about themselves. In my overview of the issues, I have focused on topics such as eating disorders, trauma and violence and abuse. I have written something in general about eating disorders, what forms we know, their causes, eating disorders as a result of violence or abuse, and the programmes available to people with eating disorders. In addition, I have outlined the types and consequences of childhood trauma, and I have presented violence and abuse, the difference between them, the forms and consequences of violence and abuse, and how children with growing up problems are exposed to all possible forms of violence and abuse. In my thesis I wanted to explore the attitudes of individuals with growing up problems who have experienced a traumatic event or abuse in childhood or later in life towards food and eating and to find out the influence of the institution on attitudes towards eating. In the empirical part, I then present the findings from the interview guide questions. The questions I asked are related to their views on eating, what role they think food plays for them, how they see themselves and how the traumatic event(s)/abuse(s) has affected their view of themselves and their eating. The sample of 8 users living in the Janez Levec Home is accidental, and I also interviewed a professional working in the Janez Levec Home. I have found that strong emotions or traumatic events or abuse experienced by the users have a significant impact on the change in eating behaviour of the users (more and less need for food, etc.), and for some of them, these events have also influenced the users' opinion of themselves. In addition, the institution's frameworks, in the area of nutrition, largely influence the users, limiting them. That is why I think it is very important to create or enable individuality for each individual within the institution. Social workers and other professionals can contribute to this through our work, by listening to users and taking into account their wishes, needs and goals. Various concepts and methods can help, e. g. a personal plan, risk analysis, etc. The results of the survey are useful because they help to understand the perspective of users with adolescent eating problems, shed light on their view of the role of the institution in eating, and at the same time highlight the importance of the topics that we need to pay more attention to when working with young people.

Keywords:eating disorders, growing up problems, trauma, violence and abuse, institution, experiencing yourself, relationship with food, support services

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