
Vloga študentskega dela v povezavi z družbeno ranljivostjo študentov : diplomsko delo
ID Podjed, Katja (Author), ID Zorn, Jelka (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu raziskujem vlogo študentskega dela v povezavi z družbeno ranljivostjo študentov in študentk. Raziskati želim, katere prednosti in slabosti opažajo študenti in študentke, ki obiskujejo različne visokošolske zavode pri opravljanju študentskega dela in kakšne so njihove izkušnje. Zanima me vloga, ki jo ima študentsko delo v povezavi s področji kot so izobraževanje, zaposlovanje, finančna stabilnost, duševno zdravje in osamosvajanje, v katerih so mladi lahko prepoznani kot družbeno ranljiva skupina. V teoretičnem delu so najprej opredeljene značilnosti obdobja mladostništva v katerega spadajo študenti in študentke in predstavljene razvojne naloge mladostnikov. Sledi jim poglavje o družbenih izzivih, s katerimi se v sodobnem svetu soočajo mladi in področja družbene ranljivosti mladih. Na koncu teoretičnega dela, so opisane značilnosti študentskega dela v Sloveniji, njegova zakonska podlaga in študentsko delo v času epidemije Covid-19. V empiričnem delu so predstavljeni rezultati kvalitativne raziskave, ki kažejo, da študenti in študentke študij in sočasno opravljanje študentskega dela povezujejo z preobremenjenostjo, kar se lahko kaže v pomanjkanju motivacije, povečanem doživljanju stresa ter izčrpanosti. Izpostavljeni so izzivi na področju zaposlitvenih možnosti, kot je dejstvo, da večina študentov ne opravlja študentskega dela v smeri, ki jo študirajo, saj so možnosti dokaj omejene. Predstavljeni so finančni viri in stroški študentov, izpostavljeno je doživljanje stresa in načini spopadanja z njim. Sledijo načini prilagajanja mladih v obdobju epidemije Covid-19 in vloga študentskega dela, ki ga ima na osamosvajanje študentov.

Keywords:študenti, študentsko delo, izzivi, družbena ranljivost študentov
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Podjed]
Number of pages:72 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138870 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:143146755 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:24.08.2022
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Secondary language

Title:The role of student work in relation to the social vulnerability of students
In my graduation thesis I discuss the role of student work related to the social vulnerability of students. I research the advantages and disadvantages that students are experiencing while performing student work. I am interested in the role that student work has in relation to areas such as education, employment, financial stability, mental health and independence of students in which they can be identified as a socially vulnerable group. In the theoretical part I define the characteristics of the adolescence to which students belong to. Further on I present the developmental tasks of adolescents. They are followed by a chapter on the social challenges facing young people in the modern world and areas of social vulnerability of young people. Then I define the characteristics of student work in Slovenia and present its legal basis. At the end of the theoretical part, I describe students work during the Covid-19 epidemic. The results of a qualitative research show that students associate study and simultaneous student work as overwhelming, which can be reflected in a lack of motivation, increased experience of stress and exhaustion. Challenges in the field of employment opportunities are highlighted, such as the fact that most students do not perform student work in the direction they study, as opportunities are quite limited. The financial resources of students are presented and experiences of copping with stress are highlighted. Further on ways of students adapting during the Covid-19 epidemic are described. The research is concluded by opinions of the students on their independence due to working in a student job.

Keywords:students, student work, challenges, social vulnerability of students

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