
Uvajanje domačih živali v Dom Tisje : diplomsko delo
ID Pajer, Tamara (Author), ID Dragoš, Srečo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V diplomskem delu sem raziskovala, kakšen je pomen uvajanja domačih živali v Dom Tisje. V teoretičnem delu sem kot prvo opredelila staranje in se v povezavi s tem osredotočila še na domove za stare ljudi, nato pa sem nadaljevala s samimi potrebami starega človeka. V naslednjih poglavjih sem za uvod najprej razpravljala o navezi človeka in živali skozi zgodovino, nato pa sem se posvetila vplivu, ki ga imajo živali na ljudi v fizičnem, psihičnem in socialnem vidiku. Zadnji dve poglavji sem namenila razpravi o domačih živalih v domovih za stare ljudi in pomenu domačih živali v življenju stanovalcev z vidika socialnega dela. Izvedla sem kvalitativno raziskavo s pomočjo katere sem želela izvedeti, kakšen je pomen domačih živali v obeh enotah Doma Tisje (Litija in Črni Potok). Kot prvo me je zanimalo, kakšne izkušnje so stanovalci doma imeli z domačimi živalmi v času bivanja doma, nato sem poizvedovala o pomenu, ki ga ima sodelovanje z domačimi živalmi v domu za starega človeka, o vlogi, ki jo ima domača žival pri počutju starega človeka ter o vlogi, ki jo ima domača žival pri vzpostavljanju socialnih stikov starega človeka. Za zaključek sem stanovalce povprašala še po željah oziroma predlogih glede trenutnih domačih živali, ki jih imajo v domu. Rezultati so pokazali, da imajo domače živali v domu za stare ljudi velik pomen, saj stanovalci, ne glede na pozitivne ali negativne izkušnje iz domačega okolja, do domačih živali v domu gojijo pozitivna čustva. V njihovo institucionalno življenje vnašajo rutino, ki je zelo podobna tisti, ki so jo imeli v domačem okolju, in zaposlitev, ki jim krajša čas. Na področju psihičnega počutja poročajo, da živali v njih sprožajo pozitivne občutke, na področju fizičnega počutja pa poročajo, da opažajo gibanje, ki je povezano s skrbjo za živali ali pa gibanje v obliki sprehodov, na področju vzpostavljanja socialnih stikov pa opažajo, da je žival mnogokrat v vlogi družabnika ali pa pomaga pri prebijanju ledu pri pogovorih z drugimi. Poročali so tudi o bolj domačnem vzdušju v domu in da živali delujejo kot atrakcija za obiskovalce doma. Glede ideje, da bi vsak stanovalec v dom lahko prinesel lastno domačo žival so mnenja deljena, si pa v domu želijo še hišno mačko in zunanjega psa. Predlagam, da se to znanje o pomenu domačih živali v domovih predaja naprej tudi zaposlenim drugih domov po Sloveniji, predlagam tudi, da se sodelovanje z živalmi omogoči stanovalcem, ki so nepokretni in do živali sami ne zmorejo. Za nadaljnja raziskovanja predlagam, da se v raziskavo vključi več stanovalcev različnih domov in zaposlene, da bi s tem pridobili čim bolj raznolike rezultate.

Keywords:stari ljudje, pomen domačih živali, dom za stare ljudi, kakovostna starost, socialno delo s starimi ljudmi
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FSD - Faculty of Social Work
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Pajer]
Number of pages:103 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138845 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:142865923 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.08.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Introduction of Domestic Animals in Home for the Elderly Tisje
In my graduation thesis I researched the importance of introducing domestic animals in the home for the elderly Tisje. In the theoretical part of my thesis, I first defined the concept of aging and proceeding from this I focused on homes for the elderly in general, and later on continued with needs that elderly people have. In the following chapters I firstly discussed the relationship between man and animals throughout history, then I focused on the impact that animals have on humans physically, mentally and socially. Finally, the last two chapters are devoted to the discussion of domestic animals in homes for the elderly in general and the importance of domestic animals in residents lives from social works point of view. I conducted a qualitative research with the help of which I wanted to find out the importance of domestic animals in both units (Litija and Črni Potok) of the home for the elderly Tisje. Firstly, I was interested in experiences that the residents had with domestic animals while they were still living at home, secondly, I inquired residents about the meaning of engaging with animals in a home, thirdly I wanted to know about the role that domestic animals play in well-being of elderly and finally I was interested in the role of domestic animals in creating social contacts of an elderly person. Lastly, I inquired residents about potential suggestions regarding current domestic animals in their home. The results indicate that domestic animals in homes are of great importance for the elderly, as residents, regardless of positive or negative experiences from home environments, cultivate positive emotions towards animals in their home. Animals bring a routine into their institutionalized lives that is very similar to the routine they had while living in their home environment, as well as occupation that keeps the residents busy. In the field of mental well-being, residents reported that animals are evoking positive feelings in them, in the field of physical well-being residents reported that they are noticing physical activity related to caring for the animal and in the field of creating social contacts residents are noticing that animals often play a role of a companion or they are an ice-breaker at the start of conversations with others. Residents also reported a homier atmosphere as well as the fact that animals act as an attraction for home visitors. Opinions referring to the idea that each resident could bring their own animal into the home for the elderly are divided, however they do wish for a pet cat and an outdoor dog. Firstly, I suggest that this knowledge about the importance of domestic animals in homes for the elderly is passed on to employees of other homes in Slovenia. Secondly, I suggest that cooperation with animals in homes for the elderly is made possible for residents who are immobile and therefore unable to reach the animals on their own. For further research I suggest, that more residents of different homes for the elderly, as well as employees, are included in the research in order to obtain the most diverse results possible.

Keywords:elderly people, importance of domestic animals, home for the elderly, a qualitative old age, social work with the elderly

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