V članku se ukvarjamo s sodobno obliko emocionalne politične komunikacije, posebej nas zanima populizem kot oblika politike, ki na ljudi apelira primarno na emocionalni ravni. Opozorimo na problematičnost emocionalizacije populističnih diskurzov, ki se kaže v legitimizaciji agresivne retorike, manipuliranju emocij, emotivizmu in ustvarjanju antagonističnih kolektivov. Na podlagi kritične ocene, da razumevanje političnosti emocij zahteva sistematično teoretizacijo emocij, se v zadnjem delu opremo na konceptualni okvir avtorice Sare Ahmed, s pomočjo katerega prikažemo performativno vlogo emocij in njihovo "lepljivost", zlasti sovražnih emocij. Analiza pokaže, da teorija premikajočih se in "lepljivih" emocij ter afektov omogoča boljše razumevanje vloge emocij v političnem diskurzu, zlasti desnega populizmaIn this article, we deal with the contemporary form of emotional political communication, where we are especially interested in populism as a form of politics that appeals to people chiefly on an emotional level. We draw attention to the problematic nature of the emotionalisation of populist discourses as reflected in the legitimisation of aggressive rhetoric, the manipulation of emotions, emotivism, and the creation of antagonistic collectives. Building on the critical assessment that understanding the politics of emotions requires the systematic theorising of emotions, in the last part we rely on Sarah Ahmed's conceptual framework to show the performative role of emotions and the 'stickiness' of hatred. The analysis shows that her approach to emotions can be fruitful for better understanding the role of emotions in political discourse, particularly right-wing populist parties