The role of individual social disciplines in the contemporary world is changing, depending on specific global circumstances and pressures from the outside as well of their capacity to adjust and their professional strength. Slovenian political science is celebrating 60 years of its existence and since its beginnings in the 1960s has experienced several phases of development and, especially following the independence of Slovenia, experienced great institutional and professional growth while also strengthening its identity. The last (fourth) phase started with the economic and financial crisis in 2008 and continued with the migration and health crises. The last and most dangerous security crisis which erupted in the early 2020s has undermined the system of European security, also bringing disastrous effects to the provision of energy and food. The Slovenian political science community has been trying to contribute to the analysis of these crises, pointing at the same time to the adequacy of the strategies and measures introduced to limit their effects. One of its deficiencies is the lack of ideas concerning how to produce knowledge for politics and the insufficient definition of its final goals.