
Primerjava kvalitete organskih premazov za zaščito emblemov z radarsko funkcijo : magistrsko delo
ID Šiškovič, Kaja (Author), ID Nagode, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Šušteršič, Ana (Comentor)

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V podjetju Hella Saturnus d. o. o Slovenija, ki razvija avtomobilske žaromete in radarske logotipe, se s premazi srečujejo vsak dan. Premazi se uporabljajo za zaščito pred zunanjimi vplivi, torej pred UV-svetlobo in mehanskimi poškodbami. Radarske logotipe lakiramo v četrti fazi izdelave, tako imenovani fazi notranjega in zunanjega lakiranja. Uporabljamo dve vrsti različnih lakov nove generacije: lak A in lak B. Cilj magistrskega dela je bila karakterizacija dveh premazov, ki se uporabljata za zaščito radarskih logotipov in žarometov v avtomobilski industriji. Želeli smo ugotoviti, kateri premaz dosega boljše rezultate na testiranjih in kateri bolje zadosti zahtevam kupca. Osredotočili smo se na vremensko obstojnost premazov, saj se je ta v zadnjem desetletju uporabe izkazala za kritično. Premazi, ki morajo zaščiti radarske logotipe pred vplivi okolja (zaščita pred peskom, zaščita pred ultravijolično svetlobo) morajo biti prožni in odporni proti mikrorazpokam. Analizirali smo vzorce, polakirane z lakom A in lakom B, ter po zahtevah kupca primerjali rezultate.

Keywords:Radarski logotip, organski premazi, polimerizacija, laki, UV-utrjevanje premazov
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:NTF - Faculty of Natural Sciences and Engineering
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[K. Šiškovič]
Number of pages:Xv, 47 f.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138613 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:126620675 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:03.08.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Quality comparison of organic coatings for protection of emblem with radar function : master's thesis
Hella Saturnus Slovenia d. o. o. company develops headlamps and radar logotips for automotive industry deals with different coatings on a daily basis. Coatings are used for protection because of outer impact (UV-light and mechanic failures). Coating is used in fourth stage of manufacturing radar logotips called inner and outer lacquering. We are using two different coatings of new generations: lacquer A and lacquer B. The objective of the master’s thesis was characterization of two different coatings. We were trying to figure it out which coating better accomplish results on different tests and which better fulfil customer requirements. We focused on weather stability of coatings because it showed as critical in last decade. Coatings suitably for this applications must have good protection for outer impact (UV-protection, particles (stone) protection), protection against chemical impact, better resistance because of micro-cracks. We analysed the samples lacquered with lacquer A and lacquer B. We compare results between both lacqueres after customer requirements.

Keywords:Radar logotip, organic coatings, polimerization, lacquers, UV cured coatings

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