
Razvoj negovalnih diagnoz: zgodovinski pogled : diplomsko delo
ID Grm, Eva (Author), ID Mihelič Zajec, Andreja (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Vettorazzi, Renata (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Novosti in spremembe negovalnih diagnoz se dogajajo vse od leta 1953, ko je bil ta izraz prvič uporabljen. Danes se redno uporablja v praksi zdravstvene nege po vsem svetu. Negovalna diagnoza je bistvena, saj predstavlja podlago za izbiro negovalnih intervencij. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je preučiti zgodovino razvoja negovalnih diagnoz skozi čas po svetu in v Sloveniji. Metode dela: Uporabljena je bila deskriptivna raziskovalna metoda dela s pregledom domače in tuje literature. Iskali smo jo v podatkovnih bazah CINAHL, ScienceDirect, Medline, BMC Nursing in SAGE journals z iskalnikoma DiKul in COBISS. Časovni okvir v analizi ni bil omejen, upoštevali smo vso literaturo do vključno leta 2021. Ustreznost literature smo presojali glede na to, ali je vsebina omogočala vpogled v zastavljene cilje diplomskega dela. Rezultati: Pokazalo se je, da so se negovalne diagnoze kot standardizirana oblika pojavile v ZDA leta 1973, v Sloveniji in nekaterih evropskih državah pa približno 20 let pozneje. Na prvem srečanju Severnoameriške zveze za negovalne diagnoze so identificirali set 37 negovalnih diagnoz. Pri njihovem razvoju sta imeli pomembno vlogo ustanovitev Severnoameriškega združenja negovalnih diagnoz leta 1982 in izdaja priročnika, ki je vseboval terminologijo ter klasifikacijo negovalnih diagnoz. Po večkratnih konferencah in srečanjih se je uporaba razširila tudi na mednarodni ravni in danes Taksonomija II obsega 267 negovalnih diagnoz. Drug pomemben jezik je mednarodna klasifikacija prakse zdravstvene nege, različica ICNP® Alpha, ki je bila prvič kot osnutek objavljena leta 1996. Sistem Omaha je na dognanjih utemeljena celostna klasifikacija, ki jo sestavljajo shema za klasifikacijo problemov, shema intervencij in lestvica ocenjevanja problemov. Razprava: Za zamik v uporabi negovalnih diagnoz pri nas lahko morda iščemo vzrok v pomanjkanju znanja medicinskih sester o tej tematiki in ne vodenju v negovalni dokumentaciji. Danes so negovalne diagnoze precej razširjene po svetu, na njihovo uporabo v zdravstveni negi pa vpliva veliko dejavnikov, kot sta na primer premajhno število medicinskih sester in pomanjkanje znanja o pomenu negovalnih diagnoz. Zaključek: Vpeljati bi bilo treba elektronsko dokumentacijo, ki bi olajšala sam proces zdravstvene nege pacienta. Prav tako bi bilo dobro še podrobneje raziskati to področje v Sloveniji ter spodbuditi urjenje medicinskih sester. Tako bi morda lahko povečali stopnjo uporabe negovalnih diagnoz in izboljšali kakovost zdravstvene nege.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, negovalne diagnoze, zgodovina negovalnih diagnoz, negovalne diagnoze v Sloveniji, razvoj negovalnih diagnoz, izvor negovalnih diagnoz
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[E. Grm]
Number of pages:29 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138491 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:118746371 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.07.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Development of nursing diagnoses: a historical view : diploma work
Introduction: Novelties and changes in nursing diagnoses have been going on since 1953, when this term was first used and is also regularly used today in nursing practice around the world. Nursing diagnosis is essential as it forms the basis for the choice of nursing interventions. Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine the history of nursing diagnoses in the world and in Slovenia. Methods: We used a descriptive research method of work with a foreign and home literature review. The search was conducted using CINAHL, ScienceDirect, Medline, BMC Nursing in SAGE journals with using the DiKul and COBISS search engines. The search was limited to articles published until 2021 and the quality was assessed according to the answers that were offered for the purpose of the thesis. Results: Nursing diagnoses appeared in the USA in 1973, while they appeared 20 years later in Slovenia and some other European countries. They identified a set of 37 nursing diagnoses at the first meeting of North – American association of nursing diagnoses. The establishment of NANDA in 1982 and journal with terminology and classification of nursing diagnoses played an important role in the development. After numerous meetings and held conferences the use of nursing diagnoses spread on international level and today Taxonomy II identifies 267 of them. Another important language is International Classification of Nursing Practices, a version of ICNP® Alpha that was first published as a draft in 1996. The Omaha system is a knowledge-based integrated classification consisting of a problem classification scheme, an intervention scheme and a problem assessment scale. Discussion: The reason for a later development of nursing diagnoses in our country may lie in the lack of knowledge or not including nursing diagnoses in the curriculum. Today, nursing diagnoses are quite used around the world. There are many factors that affect their implementation in the nursing process, such as: the workload of nurses, lack of knowledge about appropriate terminology. Conclusion: It is important to implement electronical documentation in the nursing process. That could ease the nursing care of a patient. It would also be useful to further explore this area and encourage the training of nurses regarding implementation of nursing diagnoses. In this way, we could increase the usage of nursing diagnoses and improve the quality of nursing care.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, nursing diagnoses, history of nursing diagnoses, nursing diagnoses in Slovenia, development of nursing diagnoses, origin of nursing diagnoses

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