
Fiziološke in anatomske značilnosti mrežnice zlatookega obada
ID Lončar, Tajda (Author), ID Belušič, Gregor (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Zlatooki obadi (Chrysops sp.) se v veliki meri zanašajo na vid. Samice ga uporabljajo predvsem za iskanje plena in iskanje vodnih teles, ki jih potrebujejo za razmnoževanje. Vid poddružine Chrysopsinae še ni podrobno raziskan, zato smo ga analizirali z mikroskopskimi in elektrofiziološkimi tehnikami. Mrežnica zlatookih obadov je občutljiva pretežno na modro svetlobo in ne na zeleno, kot je pogosto pri mlajših taksonomskih skupinah iz družine obadov (fam. Tabanidae). Pri perifernih fotoreceptorjih je bila polarizacijska občutljivost redka, opazili pa smo jo pri centralnem fotoreceptorju, zato sklepamo, da je vloga prvih zaznava gibanja in slednjih polarizacije svetlobe. Fluorescenca fotoreceptorjev kaže, da v mrežnici najdemo dva tipa omatidijev – pale in yellow. Ta dva tipa sovpadata z orientacijo rabdomer R7, ki so pri pale receptorjih vodoravne, pri yellow pa navpične (vzporedne z dorzoventralno osjo oči). Oba tipa omatidijev sta naključno razporejena po mrežnici. Kornea zlatookih obadov je značilne kovinsko zelene barve s temnimi lisami. Predpostavljali smo, da njena obarvanost vpliva na zaznavo svetlobe, a smo to hipotezo ovrgli, saj tovrstnega vpliva nismo uspeli zaznati z elektrofiziološkimi meritvami. Prav tako obarvanost kornee ni povezana s celično sestavo mrežnice, saj sta oba tipa omatidijev razporejena neodvisno od barve kornee. Obarvana kornea torej nima optične vloge, ni povezana z ustrojem mrežnice, in ima verjetno signalno vlogo pri vidni komunikaciji.

Keywords:biologija, Chrysops sp., sestavljene oči, omatidij, obarvanost kornee
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:BF - Biotechnical Faculty
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[T. Lončar]
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138488 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:120278531 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:23.07.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Physiological and anatomical properties of deerfly retina
Deerflies (Chrysops sp). strongly rely on vision. Females use it primarily to search for prey and water bodies they need for reproduction. The species of the Chrysopsinae subfamily have not yet been studied in detail, so we analysed it with microscopic and electrophysiological techniques. The retina of deerflies is sensitive mainly to blue light and not to green, as is often the case with younger taxonomic groups from the horsefly family (fam. Tabanidae). Polarization sensitivity was rare in peripheral photoreceptors, but was observed in the central photoreceptor, so we conclude that the role of the former is the perception of motion and the latter the polarization of light. Fluorescence of photoreceptors indicates that two types of ommatidia are found in the retina – pale and yellow. These two types coincide with the orientation of rhabdomere R7, which is horizontal in the pale ommatidial type and vertical (parallel to the dorsoventral eye axis)in yellow. Both types of ommatidia are arranged stochastically in retina. The cornea of deerflies is of characteristic metallic green colour with dark spots. We assumed that its coloration affects the detection of light, but we refuted this hypothesis, as we were unable to detect such an effect with electrophysiological measurements. Also, corneal staining is not related to the cellular composition of the retina, as both types of ommatidia are distributed irrespective of the corneal colour. The stained cornea therefore has no optical role, is not related to the structure of the retina, and probably has a signalling role in visual communication.

Keywords:biology, Chrysops sp., compound eyes, ommatidium, cornea coloration

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