The diploma thesis outlines the transformation of agriculture in the years from 1941 to 1951. It addresses it in three periods: pre-war, inter-war and post-war period and highlights the demographic, social and spatial transformation of agriculture. The pre-war period of development, which was based on dairy farming, production and processing of milk at the Vrhnika dairy, which was one of the most successful in the Drava banovina, was interrupted by the totality of the Second World War. Beside events of the war, it also affected agriculture as a fatal systemic change. Post-war changes in the economic and social system dictated rapid industrialization, which also included Vrhnika with upgrading of existing industrial plants. This affected the agrarian periphery, where traditional agriculture began to change or was abandon. The transformation of agriculture was influenced by general economic and social changes, as well as local exceptions. Pre-war development also had a key impact on the state of post-war agriculture. The key processes that were expressed during this time were the rapid immigration from the rural part of the municipality to Vrhnika, the reduction of the country population and change in land usage – more building, abandonment of agricultural usage and forestation of agricultural land.