
Preskakovanje polov pri Schwarzschildovih črnih luknjah
ID Vrbica, Mile (Author), ID Grozdanov, Sašo (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Nedavne raziskave kvantnega kaosa v kontekstu holografske dualnosti so osvetlile lastnost termalnih Greenovih funkcij, sedaj poznano kot preskakovanje polov. V tem magistrskem delu raziskujemo gravitacijske implikacije tega pojava. Osredotočimo se na najenostavnejše fizikalne črne luknje: Schwarzschildove črne luknje s poljubno kozmološko konstanto. V teh prostorih analiziramo gravitacijske valove tako, da rešujemo perturbirane Einsteinove enačbe s pomočjo dekompozicije na sferne harmonike. V gravitacijski sliki se preskakovanje polov manifestira kot neenoličnost rešitev perturbiranih Einsteinovih enačb ob zahtevi po fizikalnem robnem pogoju na dogodkovnem obzorju črne luknje. V primeru Schwarzschildovih črnih lukenj najdemo vse take točke in pokažemo, da jih je v asimptotsko ravnem primeru neskončno. Prav tako klasificiramo vse take točke pri asimptotsko de Sitter in anti-de Sitter črnih luknjah in zaključke podpremo z numerično analizo. Nazadnje razpravljamo o težavnosti obravnave fizikalnih implikacij tega pojava.

Keywords:preskakovanje polov, črne luknje, Schwarzschildova črna luknja, kvantni kaos, termalna Greenova funkcija, perturbirane Einsteinove enačbe, holografija, AdS/CFT, črna brana
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138449 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:116559875 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:21.07.2022
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Title:Pole-skipping in Schwarzschild Black Holes
Recent research of quantum chaos in the context of the holographic duality elucidated a property of thermal Green functions now known as pole-skipping. In this thesis we investigate the gravitational implications of this phenomenon. We focus on the simplest physical type of a black hole: the Schwarzschild black hole with an arbitrary cosmological constant. In particular, in these spaces, we analyse the gravitational waves by solving the perturbed Einstein equations using spherical harmonics decomposition. In terms of the gravitational picture, the pole-skipping points signal the fact that the physical boundary condition imposed at the black hole’s event horizon fails to uniquely determine the solution of the perturbed Einstein equations. For Schwarzschild black holes, we find all such points and show that infinitely many of them exist even in the asymptotically flat case. We also classify all such points in asymptotically de Sitter and anti-de Sitter spaces and support the conclusions with numerical analysis. At last we discuss the difficulty of understanding the possible physical implications of this phenomenon.

Keywords:pole-skipping, Schwarzschild black hole, quantum chaos, thermal Green function, perturbed Einstein equations, holography, AdS/CFT, black brane

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