
Analiza sodne prakse ESČP v letih 2020-2021 glede pravice do poštenega sojenja v civilnih zadevah
ID Tanko, Urša (Author), ID Galič, Aleš (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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V svojem magistrskem diplomskem delu se sprehodim po sodni praksi ESČP v civilnih zadevah iz let 2020 in 2021 glede 6. člena EKČP, ki ureja pravico do poštenega sojenja in velja za enega najpomembnejših členov Konvencije z vidika uresničevanja demokracije in načela vladavine prava. Vsako izmed poglavij, ki so strukturirana v skladu s procesnimi jamstvi, ki jih pravica do poštenega sojenja zagotavlja, začnem s kratkim teoretičnim uvodom, nato pa predstavim ključne sodbe Sodišča iz omenjenih let, ki zadevajo v poglavju obravnavano jamstvo. Najprej se na kratko dotaknem predpostavk za uporabo 1. odst. 6. člena v civilnih zadevah, obstoj katerih Sodišče ugotavlja v vsaki zadevi posebej, glede na okoliščine primera. Nato predstavim pravico do dostopa do sodišča, ki je zgolj implicitno vsebovana v 1. odst. 6. člena in velja za kvalificirano pravico, ki domačim zakonodajalcem dopušča določene omejitve, pa vendar nosi izreden pomen, saj si je težko zamisliti pravno državo in uresničevanje jamstev iz 1. odst. 6. člena brez dostopa do sodišča. Nadalje se posvetim pomembni zahtevi poštenega sojenja, in sicer zahtevi po sojenju v razumnem roku, ki pomembno vpliva na verodostojnost in učinkovitost sodnega odločanja. Sledi predstavitev temeljnih zahtev glede sodišča, ki so, da mora biti ustanovljeno z zakonom, pri svojem delovanju pa neodvisno in nepristransko. Zahteve so nepogrešljive z vidika zaupanja javnosti v sodstvo in varovanja neodvisnosti sodne oblasti. Na koncu pa predstavim še posamezna postopkovna jamstva, ki izhajajo iz pravice do poštenega obravnavanja, kot so načelo kontradiktornosti in enakosti orožij, pravica do ustne obravnave, javne obravnave in javne razglasitve sodbe in obveznost obrazložitve sodne odločbe.

Keywords:pošteno sojenje, EKČP, sodna praksa ESČP, civilne pravice in obveznosti, dostop do sodišča, sojenje v razumnem roku, zakonito, nepristransko in neodvisno sodišče, pošteno obravnavanje, kontradiktoren postopek, enakost orožij
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:PF - Faculty of Law
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138387 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:116931075 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:19.07.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Analysis of the ECtHR case law in 2020-2021 on the right to a fair trial in civil matters
In my master thesis, I look at the case law of the ECtHR in civil cases from 2020 and 2021 on Article 6 of the ECHR, which governs the right to a fair trial and is considered one of the most important articles of the Convention in terms of the exercise of democracy and the rule of law. Each of the chapters, which are structured according to the procedural guarantees guaranteed by the right to a fair trial, starts with a brief theoretical introduction and then presents the key judgments of the Court of Justice of the European Communities from the years in question, which are relevant to the guarantee discussed in the chapter. First, I briefly touch upon the prerequisites for the application of Article 6(1) in civil cases, the existence of which the Court determines on a case-by-case basis, according to the circumstances of the case. I then turn to the right of access to a court, which is only implicit in Article 6(1) and is regarded as a qualified right, which allows domestic legislators certain limitations, but which nevertheless bears an extraordinary significance, since it is difficult to conceive of the rule of law and of the exercise of the guarantees contained in Article 6(1) without access to a court. I turn next to an important requirement of a fair trial, namely the requirement of a trial within a reasonable time, which has an important bearing on the credibility and effectiveness of judicial decision-making. I then go on to outline the fundamental requirements of a court, which are that it must be established by law and that it must be independent and impartial in its functioning. These requirements are indispensable in terms of public confidence in the judiciary and safeguarding the independence of the judiciary. Finally, I would like to outline some of the procedural guarantees arising from the right to a fair hearing, such as the principle of adversarial procedure and equality of arms, the right to an oral hearing, a public hearing and the public pronouncement of the judgment, and the obligation to state the reasons on which the decision is based.

Keywords:fair trial, ECHR, ECtHR case law, civil rights and obligations, access to court, trial within a reasonable time, lawful, impartial and independent tribunal, fair hearing, adversarial procedure, equality of arms

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