The main topic of my thesis is stimulating speech development in children with special needs. I discuss speech development in children, the development of storytelling as well as speech and language disorders. In the research part of the thesis the quantitative approach and causal non-experimental method were applied. The quantitative approach includes an adapted non-standardised diagnostic test “Preizkus pripovedovanja zgodbe: Rokavička” (Marjanovič Umek et al., 2010), which was performed to assess the quality of a child’s storytelling. The causal non-experimental method was applied to analyse the results of the activities performed during the research. Four children with special needs participated in twelve research activities. The research results show that the activities had a positive impact on the development of children’s speech. The most common disorder in articulation of sounds was sigmatism, which was identified in all children, but with a varying degree of intensity. In addition, the research findings indicate that the ability of storytelling increased in two of four boys; the greatest improvement was observed in the field of syntax and phonetics.