
Življenje na Krasu v času Zavezniške vojaške uprave in prvih letih po priključitvi k Jugoslaviji (1945–1954) : magistrsko delo
ID Rože, Anja (Author), ID Mikša, Peter (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Magistrsko delo skuša osvetliti življenje prebivalcev Sežanskega okraja takoj po koncu druge svetovne vojne, ko je ta prešel pod administracijo Zavezniške vojaške uprave, in prva leta po njegovi priključitvi k Federativni ljudski republiki Jugoslaviji septembra 1947. Po priključitvi k Jugoslaviji se je okraj kot bivši del cone A združil z delom nekdanje cone B Julijske krajine in tako zajel še Komen, Brkine in del Istre. V duhu napetega reševanja tržaškega vprašanja je potekala obnova kulture in šolstva, na katerem je tudi poudarek pričujočega magistrskega dela. Osredotoča se zlasti na kulturno-prosvetno politiko in z njo povezanim množičnim amaterskim kulturnim udejstvovanjem, ki zrcali kulturnopolitično (ne)uspešnost. Predpostavlja, da so slabo zavezniško upravljanje sežanskega območja in tamkajšnji odnosi med ljudsko oblastjo in ZVU v veliki meri zaznamovali kulturno-prosvetne aktivnosti in njihovo vsebino. Po priključitvi pa, da se je kulturno ustvarjanje intenziviralo zaradi vključenosti v gospodarski plan prve petletke. Eden od ključnih dejavnikov za planski uspeh je bila organizacija šolstva, ki je bila pred letom 1947 ena najopaznejših središč konflikta interesov med ZVU in Pokrajinskim narodnoosvobodilnim odborom za Slovensko primorje in Trst.

Keywords:ZVU, cona A Julijske krajine, FLRJ, Sežanski okraj, kultura, šolstvo
Work type:Master's thesis/paper
Typology:2.09 - Master's Thesis
Organization:FF - Faculty of Arts
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[A. Rože]
Number of pages:118 str.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138356 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:117323267 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:16.07.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Life in the Karst region during the Allied Military Government and the first years after the annexation to Yugoslavia (1954–1954)
The Master’s thesis seeks to shed light on the inhabitants of the Sesana district immediately after the end of World War II, when the district came under the administration of the AMG, and the first years after its annexation to the Federal People's Republic of Yugoslavia in September 1947. After the annexation the district, as part of the ex-Zone A, merged with a part of the ex-Zone B of the Julian March and thus included Komen, Brkini and part of Istria. In the tense atmosphere of finding a solution to the Trieste question the renewal of culture and education took place, which is also the emphasis of this master’s thesis. It focuses in particular on the policy of culture and its association to mass amateur cultural activities that reflect the success or failure of the cultural policy. The thesis presumes that the cultural and educational activities as well as their content were significantly affected by the poor allied administration of the Sesana district as well as by the relations between the people’s government and the AMG. After the annexation, however, it presumes that the cultural activities intensified due to the first five-year economic plan of the FPRY. One of the key factors for the success of this plan was the organization of education, which before 1947 was one of the most notable centres of conflict of interests between the AMG and the Provincial National Liberation Committee for the Slovenian Littoral and Trieste.

Keywords:AMG, zone A of the Julian March, FPRY, Sesana district, culture, education

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