
Opcijske strategije : delo diplomskega seminarja
ID Velkavrh, Nina (Author), ID Košir, Tomaž (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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MD5: FC9B27A4D8A03D96A07BC314E0C5F1F4

Diplomsko delo opisuje različne možne načine trgovanja z opcijami. Opcija je pogodba med nosilcem in izdajateljem opcije, ki daje lastniku pravico nakupa ali prodaje osnovnega instrumenta po vnaprej dogovorjeni izvršilni ceni. Opcijska pogodba je napisana na določen osnovni instrument, to je lahko delnica, terminska pogodba, surovina, borzni indeks in podobno. Opcije so uporaben osnovni instrument zlasti na nestabilnih trgih, saj omogočajo večje finančne učinke in zavarovanje pred tveganji. Pri trgovanju z opcijami je možno zelo hitro izgubiti večje zneske denarja, vendar so lahko tudi dobički zelo visoki. Kupec opcije zanjo plača premijo, ki investitorju predstavlja zavarovanje za prevzeto tveganje. Višina premije je odvisna od višine dogovorjene izvršilne cene, netvegane obrestne mere, volatilnosti osnovnega instrumenta in časa zapadlosti opcije. Trgovanje z opcijami poteka na organiziranih in prostih trgih. Vlagatelji lahko s pomočjo opcij oblikujejo različne strategije trgovanja. V diplomskem delu najprej opišemo opcijske strategije, ki vključujejo le eno opcijo, te so primerne bolj za izkušene in dobro poučene vlagatelje, ki se zavedajo možnih izgub. Predstavimo pokrite opcijske strategije, pri katerih se vlagatelji pred večjimi izgubami zavarujejo z držanjem osnovnega instrumenta. Strategija, ki se jo poslužujejo veliki institucionalni lastniki, je pokrita nakupna opcijska strategija, izguba te strategije je omejena na razliko med stroškom nakupa osnovnega premoženja in prejeto premijo. Pri pokriti prodajni opcijski strategiji, ki jo investitorji uporabljajo predvsem, ko pričakujejo padec vrednosti osnovega premoženja, je izguba omejena na plačano premijo. Velik del diplomskega dela opisuje opcijske razpone. Ti se delijo v tri skupine: navpični, vodoravni in diagonalni razponi. Največkrat uporabljen razpon je bikov razpon, ta se zaradi enakega datuma zapadlosti opcij in različnih izvršilnih cen uvršča v strategije navpičnega razpona. Zelo pogosto uporabljena strategija navpičnega razpona, je tudi strategija medvedjega razpona. Omenjeni strategiji imata omejeno možnost zaslužka in izgube. Strategija, ki združuje medvedji in bikov razpon se imenuje metuljev razpon. Investitorji, ki pričakujejo znatno gibanje cen delnic, vendar niso prepričani o smeri gibanja cene ponavadi uporabijo strategijo dolgega trikotnika, ki omogoča zaslužek ne glede na smer gibanja cene. Diplomsko delo predstavi tudi strategijo dolgega koledarskega razpona, ki izkorišča hitrejši upad časovne vrednosti opcij s krajšim časom zapadlosti. Podobno izkoriščata to tudi strategiji diagonalnega razpona in strategija dvojne diagonale. Nazadnje omenjene strategije investitorjem prinašajo nekoliko negotovosti o največjem možnem zaslužku in nekatere tudi negotovost o možni izgubi. Ravno zato se te uvrščajo v bolj zahtevne strategije trgovanja z opcijami, ki od vlagatelja zahtevajo dobro poznavanje finančnega trga.

Keywords:opcije, strategije, trgovanje, nakupna opcija, prodajna opcija, donos, izguba, tveganje
Work type:Final seminar paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:FMF - Faculty of Mathematics and Physics
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138316 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:116129795 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:15.07.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Option strategies
In this Bachelor’s thesis we describe different possible ways of trading options. An option is a contract between an option holder and an option writer that gives the owner the right to buy or sell an underlying instrument at a pre-agreed strike price. An option contract is written on a specific underlying instrument, which can be a share, a futures contract, a commodity, a stock index, etc. Options are a useful underlying instrument, particularly in volatile markets, as they allow for greater financial leverage and hedging. When trading options, it is possible to lose large amounts of money very quickly, but the gains can also be very high. The buyer of an option pays a premium for it, which provides the investor with insurance against the risk taken. The amount of the premium depends on the size of the agreed strike price, the risk-free interest rate, the volatility of the underlying instrument and the maturity of the option. Options are traded on organised and over-the-counter markets. Investors can use options to design different trading strategies. In this thesis we first describe option strategies involving only one option, which are more suitable for experienced and knowledgeable investors who are aware of the potential losses. We present covered option strategies, where investors protect themselves against major losses by holding the underlying instrument. A strategy used by large institutional owners is the covered call option strategy, the loss of which is limited to the difference between the cost of buying the underlying asset and the premium received. In the covered put option strategy, which is mainly used by investors when they expect the value of the underlying asset to fall, the loss is limited to the premium paid. In large part of the thesis we describe option spreads. These are divided into three groups: vertical, horizontal and diagonal spreads. The most commonly used spread is the bull spread, which is classified as a vertical spread strategy due to the same maturity date of the options and the different strike prices. A very commonly used vertical spread strategy is also the bear spread strategy. These two strategies have limited profit and loss potential. A strategy that combines bear and bull spreads is called a butterfly spread. Investors who expect a significant movement in share prices but are unsure of the direction of the price movement tend to use the long triangle strategy, which allows earnings to be made regardless of the direction price moves. In thesis we also present a long calendar spread strategy, which takes advantage of the faster decline in the time value of shorter-dated options. In a similar way, the diagonal spread and double diagonal strategies also take advantage of this. The latter strategies provide investors with some uncertainty about the maximum possible gain and also some uncertainty about the possible loss. This is why they are classified as more involved option trading strategies, which require the investor to have a good knowledge of the financial market.

Keywords:options, strategies, trading, call option, put option, yield, loss, risk

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