
Pregled uvajanja projekta prvih posredovalcev v okviru nujne medicinske pomoči v Gorenjski regiji med letoma 2014 in 2017 : diplomsko delo
ID Zorman, Urška (Author), ID Prestor, Jože (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window, ID Slabe, Damjan (Reviewer)

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Uvod: Nenadni srčni zastoj je stanje, pri katerem se srčna mišica popolnoma zaustavi ali pa je njena iztisna moč nezadostna, da bi zagotavljala zadostno oskrbo organov s krvjo. Skrajševanje časa med zastojem srca in izvajanjem kardiopulmonalnega oživljanja je ključno za boljše možnosti preživetja žrtve. Slovenija spada med geografsko zelo razgibane države, določena območja so precej redko poseljena, zato so posledično bolj oddaljena od večjih mest in enot nujne medicinske pomoči. Pogosto dostopni čas ekipe nujne medicinske pomoči znaša več kot 10 minut, kar znatno poslabša možnosti za preživetje nenadno obolele osebe. Namen: Namen diplomskega dela je bil proučiti strokovno literaturo s področja uvajanja prvih posredovalcev v sistem nujne medicinske pomoči in s pomočjo analize podatkov izdelati pregled uvajanja prvih posredovalcev v Gorenjski regiji v obdobju 2014–2017. Metode dela: V diplomskem delu je bila uporabljena deskriptivna metoda dela, ki je zajela kritični pregled domače in tuje literature. Raziskovalni vzorec obsega podatke, ki so jih zbrale posamezne službe nujne medicinske pomoči znotraj območja Gorenjske, kjer so bili v sistem nujne medicinske pomoči vključeni prvi posredovalci. Podatki so prikazani v obliki grafov in tabel. Rezultati: Leta 2014 se je projektu priključilo 64 članov z območja nujne medicinske pomoči Kranj, ki so bili aktivni na 6 intervencijah. V letu 2017 je bilo aktivnih 547 prvih posredovalcev iz celotne regije, ki so zabeležili skupno 75 intervencij. Najkrajši dostopni čas prvih posredovalcev je bil zabeležen leta 2015 in je znašal 5,57 minute. Oživljanje z uporabo defibrilatorja je bilo v letu 2017 izvedeno v 33 primerih – največ na območju Radovljice. Razprava in zaključek: V opazovanih letih naraščata tako število intervencij, pri katerih so vključeni prvi posredovalci, kot tudi število vključenih prvih posredovalcev v sistem prvih posredovalcev znotraj Gorenjske regije. Glede na število intervencij prvih posredovalcev vse od uvedbe naprej je njihova umeščenost v sistem nujne medicinske pomoči potrebna in smotrna. Povečuje se zanimanje tako prostovoljnih gasilskih društev kot tudi članov drugih polprofesionalnih reševalnih služb za priključitev projektu. Ugotovili smo, da so prvi posredovalci v Gorenjski regiji razporejeni številčno enakomerno glede na območje, ki ga pokriva posamezna enota nujne medicinske pomoči. Največ aktivacij je bilo zaradi bolezenskih težav (81,34%). Na vzorcu se je pokazala potreba za poenotenje indikacij za aktivacijo prvih posredovalcev ter enotno beleženje vrste dogodka, na katerega so bili poslani.

Keywords:diplomska dela, zdravstvena nega, temeljni postopki oživljanja, tujek v dihalih, civilna zaščita, krvavitev, veriga preživetja
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Typology:2.11 - Undergraduate Thesis
Organization:ZF - Faculty of Health Sciences
Place of publishing:Ljubljana
Publisher:[U. Zorman]
Number of pages:36 str., [1] str. pril.
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138260 This link opens in a new window
COBISS.SI-ID:115280643 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.07.2022
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Secondary language

Title:Review of the project introducing the first responders in emergency medical services of the Gorenjska region between 2014 and 2017 : diploma work
Introduction: Sudden cardiac arrest is a condition in which the heart muscle stops completely or its ejection power is insufficient to ensure adequate blood supply to the organs. Shortening the time between cardiac arrest and performing cardiopulmonary resuscitation is key to improving the victim’s chances of survival. Slovenia is one of the most geographically diverse countries, certain areas are quite sparsely populated, so they are consequently further away from major cities and emergency medical services. The often-available time of the emergency medical team is more than 10 minutes, which significantly worsens the chances of survival of a suddenly ill person. Purpose: The purpose of the diploma thesis was to study the professional literature in the field of first responders in the emergency medical care system and with the help of data analysis to review the introduction of first responders in the Gorenjska region in the period 2014-2017. Methods of work: In the diploma work, a descriptive method of work was used, which included a critical review of domestic and foreign literature. The research sample includes data collected by individual emergency medical services within the Gorenjska region, where first responders were included in the emergency medical care system. Data are presented in the form of graphs and tables. Results: In 2014, 64 members from the area of emergency medical care in Kranj joined the project and were active in 6 interventions. In 2017, 547 first responders from across the region were active, recording a total of 75 interventions. The shortest access time of first responders was recorded in 2015 and was 5,57 minutes. Resuscitation using a defibrillator was performed in 33 cases in 2017 - mostly in the Radovljica area Discussion and conclusion: In the observed years, both the number of interventions involving first responders and the number of first responders included in the system of first responders within the Gorenjska region is increasing. Given the number of interventions of first responders since their introduction, their placement in the emergency medical care system is necessary and expedient. The interest of both voluntary fire brigades and members of other semi-professional rescue services to join the project is increasing. We found that the first intermediaries in the Gorenjska region are distributed evenly in number according to the area covered by each emergency medical unit. Most activations were due to disease problems (81,34%). The sample showed the need to unify the indications for the activation of first responders and to uniformly record the type of event to which they were sent.

Keywords:diploma theses, nursing care, basic resuscitation procedures, foreign body in respiratory tract, civil protection, bleeding, survival chain

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