
ID Mihelj, Aljoša (Author), ID Twrdy, Elen (Mentor) More about this mentor... This link opens in a new window

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Že od nekdaj obstaja v ljudeh potreba po menjavi blaga. Še posebej smo ljudje nagnjeni k zanimanju za blago, ki nam ni vsakdanje, ki je iz drugih svetov. Iz te potrebe se je razvil pomorski promet kot oblika premagovanja razdalj ter nabiranja surovin in blaga oddaljenih civilizacij. Razvila se je trgovina. Morje je transportna pot, ki pomeni povezanost z drugimi kontinenti, posedovanje morskih obal pa izredno prednost, ki vpliva na ekonomski in geopolitični status države. Globalizacija in kapitalizem botrujeta naglemu razvoju pomorstva v zadnjih dvajsetih letih. Medcelinska izmenjava velikih količin blaga in vedno večje ladje povzročajo vse večje razlike med pomorskim in celinskim prometom. Pomorski transport dobiva vse večjo veljavo in prednost, namreč 90 % evropske blagovne menjave in 40 % celotne notranje trgovine Evropske unije poteka preko evropskih pristanišč. Nosilnost ladij in posledično učinkovitost ter izpopolnjenost luške tehnologije rastejo. V zadnjih 40 letih se je trgovina po morju štirikrat povečala, promet s kontejnerskimi ladjami pa je leta 2000 občutno narastel s tendenco, da se bo do leta 2020 povečal trikratno (https://ec.europa.eu, 2013). Kljub rasti pomorske trgovine s kontejnerji se pojavlja med ponudniki storitev, ladjarji, vprašanje zasedenosti kapacitet ladij kot ekonomskega vidika. Smotrno je predvidevati, da bo na rast kontejnerskih ladij vplivala optimalnost med zasedenostjo kapacitet in finančno upravičenostjo prevoza. Prav tako ne smemo zanemariti pomembnosti zmogljivosti pristanišč za sprejem in obdelavo tovora novih ladij velikank. Pristanišča se nahajajo ob naravnih stikih kopnega in morja. Posegi v naravo pa so omejeni z dano geografsko lego in naravnimi značilnostmi. Razvoj tehnologije je izjemno hiter in omogoča nam še nepojmljive rešitve. Kljub temu pa ne smemo dovoliti, da tehnologija in ekonomski kazalniki zasenčijo naravne danosti in okolje. Sledeče vrstice diplomske naloge predstavljajo omenjeno problematiko pomorskega kontejnerskega prometa ter ponujajo vidik v aktualnem času in prostoru.

Keywords:Kontejnerska pristanišča, kontejnerji, kontejnerski terminali
Work type:Bachelor thesis/paper
Organization:FPP - Faculty of Maritime Studies and Transport
PID:20.500.12556/RUL-138245 This link opens in a new window
Publication date in RUL:13.07.2022
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Secondary language

There has always been a need in people to exchange goods. We humans in particular tend to be interested in goods that are not everyday to us, that are from other worlds. From this need, maritime transport developed as a form of overcoming distances and accumulating raw materials and goods of distant civilizations. Trade developed. The sea is a transport route that means connection with other continents, and the possession of sea coasts is an extraordinary advantage that affects the economic and geopolitical status of the country. Globalization and capitalism have fostered the rapid development of maritime affairs over the last twenty years. The intercontinental exchange of large quantities of goods and the ever-increasing size of the ship are causing increasing differences between maritime and inland transport. Maritime transport is gaining in importance and priority, namely 90% of European trade and 40% of all EU internal trade takes place through European ports. The carrying capacity of ships and, consequently, the efficiency and sophistication of port technology are growing. Over the past 40 years, maritime trade has quadrupled, and container ship traffic has grown significantly in 2000, with a tendency to triple by 2020 (https://ec.europa.eu, 2013). Despite the growth of maritime container trade, the question of occupancy of ship capacities as an economic aspect arises among service providers, shipowners. It is reasonable to anticipate that the growth of container ships will be influenced by the optimality between capacity occupancy and the financial viability of transport. Nor should we neglect the importance of port capacity to receive and handle the cargo of new giant ships. The ports are located at the natural junctions of land and sea. Interventions in nature are limited by a given geographical location and natural features. The development of technology is extremely fast and provides us with unimaginable solutions. Nevertheless, we must not allow technology and economic indicators to overshadow natural conditions and the environment. The following lines of the diploma thesis present the mentioned issue of maritime container traffic and offer an aspect in the current time and space.

Keywords:Container ports, containers, container terminals

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